Source code for py_trees_ros.tutorials.behaviours

#!/usr/bin/env python
# License: BSD
# Documentation

A few behaviours to support the tutorials.

# Imports

import dynamic_reconfigure.client
import py_trees
import rospy
import std_msgs.msg as std_msgs

# Behaviours

[docs]class FlashLedStrip(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour): """ This behavoiur simply shoots a command off to the LEDStrip to flash a certain colour and returns :attr:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`. Note that this behaviour will never return with :attr:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS` but will send a clearing command to the LEDStrip if it is cancelled or interrupted by a higher priority behaviour. Args: name (:obj:`str`): name of the behaviour topic_name (:obj:`str`) : name of the battery state topic colour (:obj:`str`) : colour to flash ['red', 'green', blue'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, topic_name="/led_strip/command", colour="red"): super(FlashLedStrip, self).__init__(name=name) self.topic_name = topic_name self.colour = colour
[docs] def setup(self, timeout): """ Args: timeout (:obj:`float`): time to wait (0.0 is blocking forever) Returns: :obj:`bool`: whether it timed out trying to setup """ self.publisher = rospy.Publisher(self.topic_name, std_msgs.String, queue_size=10, latch=True) self.feedback_message = "setup" return True
[docs] def update(self): """ Annoy the led strip to keep firing every time it ticks over (the led strip will clear itself if no command is forthcoming within a certain period of time). This behaviour will only finish if it is terminated or interrupted from above. """ self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__) self.publisher.publish(std_msgs.String(self.colour)) self.feedback_message = "flashing {0}".format(self.colour) return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
[docs] def terminate(self, new_status): """ Shoot off a clearing command to the led strip. Args: new_status (:class:`~py_trees.common.Status`): the behaviour is transitioning to this new status """ self.publisher.publish(std_msgs.String("")) self.feedback_message = "cleared"
[docs]class ScanContext(py_trees.behaviour.Behaviour): """ This behavoiur simply shoots a command off to the LEDStrip to flash a certain colour and returns :attr:`~py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING`. Note that this behaviour will never return with :attr:`~py_trees.common.Status.SUCCESS` but will send a clearing command to the LEDStrip if it is cancelled or interrupted by a higher priority behaviour. Args: name (:obj:`str`): name of the behaviour """
[docs] def __init__(self, name): super(ScanContext, self).__init__(name=name) self.initialised = False self._namespaces = ["safety_sensors", "rotate", ] self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients = {} for name in self._namespaces: self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients[name] = None self._dynamic_reconfigure_configurations = {}
[docs] def setup(self, timeout): """ Try and connect to the dynamic reconfigure server on the various namespaces. """ self.logger.debug("%s.setup()" % self.__class__.__name__) for namespace in self._namespaces: if not self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients[namespace]: try: self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients[namespace] = dynamic_reconfigure.client.Client( name=namespace, timeout=timeout ) except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logwarn("ScanContext [%s" % + "]: could not connect to dynamic reconfigure server [%s][%s secs]" % (namespace, timeout)) self.feedback_message = "could not connect to dynamic reconfigure server [%s][%s secs]" % (namespace, timeout) return False return True
[docs] def initialise(self): """ Get various dyn reconf configurations and cache/set the new variables. """ self.logger.debug("%s.initialise()" % self.__class__.__name__) for name, client in self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients.items(): self._dynamic_reconfigure_configurations[name] = client.get_configuration() try: self.safety_sensors_enable = self._dynamic_reconfigure_configurations["safety_sensors"]["enable"] self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients["safety_sensors"].update_configuration({"enable": True}) except dynamic_reconfigure.DynamicReconfigureParameterException: self.feedback_message = "failed to configure the 'enable' parameter [safety_sensors]" self.initialised = False try: self.rotate_duration = self._dynamic_reconfigure_configurations["rotate"]["duration"] self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients["rotate"].update_configuration({"duration": 8.0}) except dynamic_reconfigure.DynamicReconfigureParameterException: self.feedback_message = "failed to configure the 'duration' parameter [rotate]" self.initialised = False self.initialised = True self.feedback_message = "reconfigured the context for scanning"
[docs] def update(self): self.logger.debug("%s.update()" % self.__class__.__name__) if not self.initialised: return py_trees.common.Status.FAILURE # used under a parallel, never returns success return py_trees.common.Status.RUNNING
[docs] def terminate(self, new_status): """ Regardless of whether it succeeed or failed or is getting set to invalid we have to be absolutely sure to reset the navi context. """ self.logger.debug("%s.terminate(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, "%s->%s" % (self.status, new_status) if self.status != new_status else "%s" % new_status)) if self.initialised: try: self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients["safety_sensors"].update_configuration({"enable": self.safety_sensors_enable}) except dynamic_reconfigure.DynamicReconfigureParameterException: self.feedback_message = "failed to reset the 'enable' parameter [safety_sensors]" try: self._dynamic_reconfigure_clients["rotate"].update_configuration({"duration": self.rotate_duration}) except dynamic_reconfigure.DynamicReconfigureParameterException: self.feedback_message = "failed to reset the 'duration' parameter [rotate]" self.initialised = False