Frameworks for Applications

Detailed Description

The application frameworks provide a set of classes that perform the basic functions of applications within the GPS toolkit. That is, they provide a framework for applications so that the applications only have to implement those features which are unique to that application.

The classes are defined in a tree of increasing capability, that is, the BasicFramework class at the root of the tree does very little and implements only those functions which are common to all programs within the toolkit. Each subsequent subclass adds additional layers to these basic capabilities.

The end user is expected to create a class, which inherits from one of these frameworks, and override the appropriate methods in order to perform the necessary function of that program. The methods to be overridden depend on the framework being used and what the program is intended to do.

For information on how to use the frameworks, see Application Building.


class  gnsstk::BasicFramework
class  gnsstk::InOutFramework< IType, OType >
class  gnsstk::LoopedFramework

autogenerated on Wed Oct 25 2023 02:40:43