This is the complete list of members for GDCPass, including all inherited members.
addData(const Epoch &tt, std::vector< std::string > &obstypes, std::vector< double > &data) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
addData(const Epoch &tt, const std::vector< std::string > &obstypes, const std::vector< double > &data, const std::vector< unsigned short > &lli, const std::vector< unsigned short > &ssi, const unsigned short flag=SatPass::OK) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
addData(const RinexObsData &robs) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
BAD | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
CFG | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | protected |
cfg_func(string a) | GDCPass | inlineprivate |
CFGdescription | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | protected |
clear() | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
countForTime(const Epoch &tt) const | gnsstk::SatPass | inlineprotected |
createSegment(list< Segment >::iterator sit, int ibeg, string msg=string()) | GDCPass | |
data(unsigned int i, const std::string &type) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
data(unsigned int i, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2) const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
decimate(const int N, Epoch refTime=CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
deleteSegment(list< Segment >::iterator &it, string msg=string()) | GDCPass | |
DETECT | GDCPass | static |
detectGFslips() | GDCPass | |
detectGFsmallSlips() | GDCPass | |
detectObviousSlips(string which) | GDCPass | |
detectWLslips() | GDCPass | |
detectWLsmallSlips() | GDCPass | |
DisplayParameterUsage(std::ostream &os, bool advanced=false) | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | |
dt | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
dump(std::ostream &os, const std::string &msg1, const std::string &msg2=std::string()) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
dumpSegments(string msg, int level=2, bool extra=false) | GDCPass | |
EstimateGFslipFix(list< Segment >::iterator &left, list< Segment >::iterator &right, unsigned int nb, unsigned int ne, long n1) | GDCPass | |
finish(int iret, SatPass &svp, vector< string > &editCmds) | GDCPass | |
firstDifferences(string which) | GDCPass | |
firstTime | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
FIX | GDCPass | static |
fixAllSlips(string which) | GDCPass | |
fixOneSlip(list< Segment >::iterator &kt, string which) | GDCPass | |
foundGFoutlier(int i, int inew, Stats< double > &pastSt, Stats< double > &futureSt) | GDCPass | |
foundGFsmallSlip(int i, int nseg, int iend, int ibeg, deque< int > &pastIn, deque< int > &futureIn, Stats< double > &pastSt, Stats< double > &futureSt) | GDCPass | |
foundWLsmallSlip(list< Segment >::iterator &it, int i) | GDCPass | |
GDCconfiguration() | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | inline |
GDCPass(SatPass &sp, const GDCconfiguration &gdc) | GDCPass | explicit |
GDCVersion | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | protectedstatic |
getCount(unsigned int i) const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
getData(unsigned int i) const | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
getDescription(const std::string &label) | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | inline |
getDT() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getFirstGoodTime() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getFirstTime() const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
getFlag(unsigned int i) const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
getGLOchannel(int &n, std::string &msg) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
getLastGoodTime() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getLastTime() const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
getMaxGap() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getNgood() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getObsTypes() | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getObstypes() | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getOutputFormat() | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getParameter(const std::string &label) | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | inline |
getSat() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getStatus() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
getUserFlag(unsigned int i) const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
GFDETECT | GDCPass | static |
GFFIX | GDCPass | static |
GFPassStats | GDCPass | private |
GFphaseResiduals(list< Segment >::iterator &it) | GDCPass | |
GFslipFix(list< Segment >::iterator &left, list< Segment >::iterator &right) | GDCPass | |
hasCommonView(const SatPass &that, double *pdelt=NULL, Epoch *pttb=NULL, Epoch *ptte=NULL) | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
hasOverlap(const SatPass &that, double *pdelt=NULL, Epoch *pttb=NULL, Epoch *ptte=NULL) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
hasType(std::string type) const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
includesTime(const Epoch &tt) const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
index(const Epoch &tt) const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
indexForLabel | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
init(const RinexSatID &sat, double dt, std::vector< std::string > obstypes) | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
initialize() | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | protected |
labelForIndex | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
lastTime | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
learn | GDCPass | private |
linearCombinations() | GDCPass | |
LL1 | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
LL2 | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
LL3 | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
LLI(unsigned int i, const std::string &type) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
LLI(unsigned int i, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
longfmt | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
maxGap | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
ngood | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
OK | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
operator<(const SatPass &right) const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
operator=(const SatPass &right) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
outFormat | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
outRound | gnsstk::SatPass | static |
p_oflog | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | protected |
prepareGFdata() | GDCPass | |
preprocess() | GDCPass | |
pushBack(const Epoch tt, SatPassData &spd) | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
renameObstypes(std::map< std::string, std::string > &subst) | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
sat | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
SatPass(const RinexSatID &sat, double dt) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
SatPass(const RinexSatID &sat, double dt, std::vector< std::string > obstypes) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
SegList | GDCPass | private |
setDebugStream(std::ostream &os) | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | inline |
setFlag(unsigned int i, unsigned short flag) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
setMaxGap(double gap) | gnsstk::SatPass | inlinestatic |
setOutputFormat(std::string fmt, int round=3) | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
setParameter(std::string cmd) | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | |
setParameter(const std::string &label, double value) | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | |
setUserFlag(unsigned int i, unsigned int inflag) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
size() const | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
SlipList | GDCPass | private |
smooth(bool smoothPR, bool smoothPH, std::string &msg, const double &wl1=L1_WAVELENGTH_GPS, const double &wl2=L2_WAVELENGTH_GPS) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
smoothSF(bool smoothPR, bool smoothPH, std::string &msg, const int freq, double wl) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
spdvector | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
split(int N, SatPass &newSP) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
SSI(unsigned int i, const std::string &type) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
SSI(unsigned int i, const std::string &type1, const std::string &type2) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
status() | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
Status | gnsstk::SatPass | protected |
time(unsigned int i) const | gnsstk::SatPass | |
timeoffset(unsigned int i) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
toString(std::string msg="", std::string fmt="%04Y/%02m/%02d %02H:%02M:%06.3f = %04F %w %10.3g") | gnsstk::SatPass | inline |
trimAfter(const Epoch ttag) | gnsstk::SatPass | |
Version() | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | inline |
WLcomputeStats(list< Segment >::iterator &it) | GDCPass | |
WLconsistencyCheck() | GDCPass | |
WLDETECT | GDCPass | static |
WLFIX | GDCPass | static |
WLPassStats | GDCPass | private |
WLsigmaStrip(list< Segment >::iterator &it) | GDCPass | |
WLslipFix(list< Segment >::iterator &left, list< Segment >::iterator &right) | GDCPass | |
WLstatSweep(list< Segment >::iterator &it, int width) | GDCPass | |
~GDCconfiguration() | gnsstk::GDCconfiguration | inline |