Changelog for package qb_device_driver
3.0.6 (2023-04-26)
- FEAT: added option to specify the serial port to connect to. This can be useful when is desired to use the device with virtual ports (e.g. UR)
- FEAT: Added compatibility with new FW version of SHR
- MINOR FIX: Changed the name of the package maintainer
3.0.5 (2022-09-07)
- MINOR FIX: Changed cmake version required in all packages (current version 3.0.2).
3.0.4 (2022-07-18)
- package compiled with qbdevice-api v1.1.3
3.0.3 (2022-07-15)
- package compiled with qbdevice-api v1.1.2
3.0.2 (2022-07-07)
- Updated qbdevice api pkg to version 1.0.2.
3.0.1 (2022-07-06)
- Updated qbdevice api pkg to version 1.0.1.
3.0.0 (2022-07-05)
- Changed internal qbdevice API with public one.
- Created service for Homing SHR2
- Created SHR2 class in qbrobotics-api
- Minor changes (comments...)
- Modified serial sub-modules: Changes done in communication_handler node
- Modified waiting time. Works for a brief period but stop after reboot.
- modified scanPortsAndDevicesFunction. New API implementation does not with kinematic chain.
- Added mutex to avoid conflicts on the same serial port. Removed old and unusefull comments.
- changes in qbrobotics-api.
- New API migration. qb_device_driver class is no longer required.
- API 7.X.X integration. Incompatibility with the wrapper script
2.3.4 (2022-04-08)
2.3.3 (2022-04-08)
2.3.2 (2022-04-08)
2.3.1 (2022-04-08)
2.3.0 (2022-04-08)
2.2.1 (2021-08-27)
2.2.0 (2021-08-27)
- Replaced error stream with throttle
- Fixed crash when unplagged device is plugged at runtime.
- Created message published in a topic by communication_handler that contains the connection status of each device.
- Implemented rescanning when device is not found
- Deactivation bug fixed
- Fixed reconnection on killing nodes.
- Add methods to retrieve actual device references
- Refactor Gazebo plugin to prepare for SoftHand simulation
- Added the control mode switch service. Added a parameter to choose to use .yaml limits or firmware ones.
- Fix init when no device is found on the given port
- Update license
- Update arg description
- Added a parameter to use the device with or without other robots. Added some motor limits when the qbmoves are used in kinematic configs.
2.1.1 (2019-10-07)
2.1.0 (2019-05-28)
- Improve inheritance for other devices
- Update documentation
- Fix minor style issues
2.0.3 (2018-08-09)
- Update license agreement copyright
2.0.2 (2018-08-07)
- Exclude dummy boards from the connected device list
2.0.1 (2018-06-01)
2.0.0 (2018-05-30)
- Move sleep at low level (next to API)
- Add method to temporarily change PID parameters
- Fix doxygen documentation
- Fix communication errors with asynchronous reads
- Refactor node registration
- Add method to get currents and positions together
- Fix minors
- Fix repetitions reliablity check
- Add a blocking setCommands method
- Fix destructor calls on ROS shutdown
- Fix minors
- Fix unexpected fault with std::unordered_set
- Add parallelization with several USB connected
- Let the user decide whether to read/write or not
- Add an alert if maximum repetitions is set to zero
- Refactor node registration
- Add a real isConnected method
- Refactor device scan method with repetitions
- Retrieve control and input mode device settings
- Implement repetitions also for getMeasurements
- Add repetitions while reading from serial
- Move error checks in ROS service callbacks
1.2.2 (2017-11-30)
- Reduce communication errors
1.1.0 (2017-11-24)
1.0.8 (2017-06-27)
- Fix C++11 support for cmake version less than 3.1
1.0.6 (2017-06-23)
- Update cmake version to match Kinetic standards
1.0.5 (2017-06-22)
1.0.4 (2017-06-21)
1.0.3 (2017-06-21)
- fix cmake settings to solve isolated builds
1.0.2 (2017-06-20)
- remove API git submodule and add API files manually (API commit: c61204b) because ROS buildfarm does not manage git submodules
1.0.1 (2017-06-19)
- first public release for Kinetic