Changelog for package point_cloud_color
1.2.1 (2023-06-19)
- Added point_cloud_transport integration.
- Support MONO8 images.
- Noetic compatibility.
- Fix passing image_transport parameters
- Fixed coloring of clouds with NaNs and fix publishing color as rgba
- Compute remaining duration of waiting for transform.
- Update row step to pass asserts in debug, clip values according to types.
- Refactored for various image types, custom field name, minor speed up.
- Shortening cloud queue size option (backward compatible).
- Set default value before coloring.
- Camera warnings refactored, warning type enum.
- Refactored to handle various image types.
- OpenCV constant updated for compatibility with 20.04/Noetic.
- Initial commit.
- Contributors: Martin Pecka, Tomas Petricek