Changelog for package heron_gazebo
0.3.3 (2021-03-09)
- Pass the config arg to the heron_description package correctly
- Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton
0.3.2 (2021-02-19)
- Bumped CMake version to avoid author warning.
- Add the config, launch, and worlds folders to the install target
- Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Tony Baltovski
0.3.1 (2021-02-12)
- Merge pull request #11 from heron/thruster-fix
Enable thruster joints in simulation
- Enable the simulation argument so the thrusters are mobile & allow the robot to move
- Merge pull request #10 from heron/namespace-fix
Fix namespace preventing the EKF node from working
- Use remap instead of rosparams to set the topics for the mag topic translator. This allows the node to work correctly when the namespace argument is set.
- Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Tony Baltovski
0.3.0 (2020-09-17)
- Add the UUV worlds dependency
- Rename "heron_sim" to "spawn_heron" for compatibility with the new simulation environments
- Tidy up the lake world a little, set the camera position so the initial view is a little nicer
- Add a second world, a lake with some islands (also copied from UUV Worlds so we can modify as-necessary for a surface-only vehicle)
- Add a copy of the world to make future modifications easier. Fix the initial camera position so that it puts the robot in-frame instead of starting underwater somewhere.
- Add all the scripts to the cmake file
- Remove the .py from the node scripts & update the launch file accordingly
- Use the new (not-deprecated) MagneticField messages for the imu filter, add a simple node to translate from the old Vector3Stamped to MagneticField messges
- Disable the mag data in the simulation; the imu filter is timing out waiting for data, which is disabling the heron_control node, making the robot permanently immobile. See RPSW-474.
- fixed location of worlds in launch file and readme
- Param tuning and constant thruster control being activated in simulation
- Added missing run dependencies
- Initialized twist_translate's zero message properly and ensured no issues with callbacks in nav_vel
- Fixed namespace functionality to allow empty namespaces
- Added custom spawning to heron_world.launch
- Fixed localization when heron has nonzero initial yaw
- New config file for simulation heron_controller params
- Fixed name+email in copyright notices
- Added NWU->ENU swapping here because it was removed from heron_control
- Fixed interactive marker's vel scaling and created new PID file for simulation
- Added translator for Vec3 to Twist for navsat/vel
- Changed covariance limits because simulated sensors are better than the actual sensors
- Removed from CMakeLists.txt
- Fixed to scale and publish Twist msgs
- Added script to convert navsat/vel from NED to ENU
- Fixed RViz interactive markers control
- Removed because Gazebo's magnetometer is now used
- Prevented z, roll, and pitch of spawn location to be changed
- Added copyright notices to launch and script files
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Chris Iverach-Brereton, Guy Stoppi, Nirzvi1, Shreya Subramaniam