Changelog for package gundam_rx78_gazebo
0.0.4 (2020-08-28)
- skip test_gundam_spawn/test_gundam_walk for kinetic (#14)
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.0.3 (2020-01-28)
- add more walking tests (#8)
- update travis.yml
- fix to take target pos/ros as argument and also takes walking pattern fiels
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.0.2 (2020-01-20)
- Add more examples by @Naoki-Hiraoka (#6)
- Merge with test code
- add test to check walk-forward.csv
- add gundam_rx78_walk.launch
- install test directory
- start gazebo simulation clock by default
- Simplify URDF (simplify, scale and mergenode collada)
- calculate mass property from convex_hull
- fix check_position, now base_link is the center of foot
- add test code and meta package (#5)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Naoki Hiraoka
0.0.1 (2019-07-01)
- Add first gundam gazebon simulator (#1)
- comment out fast_foot because the origin of the house differs in kinetic and melodic
- gundam_rx78_gazebo depends on gundam_rx78_control
- update initial joint position, set paused=true as default
- commit 2019/03/06 pinned & position controller version
- Contributors: Kei Okada