This is the complete list of members for ros::Connection, including all inherited members.
addDropListener(const DropFunc &slot) | ros::Connection | |
Connection() | ros::Connection | |
Destructing enum value | ros::Connection | |
drop(DropReason reason) | ros::Connection | |
drop_mutex_ | ros::Connection | private |
drop_signal_ | ros::Connection | private |
DropFunc typedef | ros::Connection | |
dropped_ | ros::Connection | private |
DropReason enum name | ros::Connection | |
DropSignal typedef | ros::Connection | |
getCallerId() | ros::Connection | |
getHeader() | ros::Connection | inline |
getRemoteString() | ros::Connection | |
getTransport() | ros::Connection | inline |
has_read_callback_ | ros::Connection | private |
has_write_callback_ | ros::Connection | private |
header_ | ros::Connection | private |
header_func_ | ros::Connection | private |
header_written_callback_ | ros::Connection | private |
HeaderError enum value | ros::Connection | |
initialize(const TransportPtr &transport, bool is_server, const HeaderReceivedFunc &header_func) | ros::Connection | |
is_server_ | ros::Connection | private |
isDropped() | ros::Connection | |
isSendingHeaderError() | ros::Connection | inline |
onDisconnect(const TransportPtr &transport) | ros::Connection | private |
onErrorHeaderWritten(const ConnectionPtr &conn) | ros::Connection | private |
onHeaderLengthRead(const ConnectionPtr &conn, const boost::shared_array< uint8_t > &buffer, uint32_t size, bool success) | ros::Connection | private |
onHeaderRead(const ConnectionPtr &conn, const boost::shared_array< uint8_t > &buffer, uint32_t size, bool success) | ros::Connection | private |
onHeaderWritten(const ConnectionPtr &conn) | ros::Connection | private |
onReadable(const TransportPtr &transport) | ros::Connection | private |
onWriteable(const TransportPtr &transport) | ros::Connection | private |
read(uint32_t size, const ReadFinishedFunc &finished_callback) | ros::Connection | |
read_buffer_ | ros::Connection | private |
read_callback_ | ros::Connection | private |
read_filled_ | ros::Connection | private |
read_mutex_ | ros::Connection | private |
read_size_ | ros::Connection | private |
reading_ | ros::Connection | private |
readTransport() | ros::Connection | private |
removeDropListener(const boost::signals2::connection &c) | ros::Connection | |
sendHeaderError(const std::string &error_message) | ros::Connection | |
sending_header_error_ | ros::Connection | private |
setHeader(const Header &header) | ros::Connection | inline |
setHeaderReceivedCallback(const HeaderReceivedFunc &func) | ros::Connection | |
transport_ | ros::Connection | private |
TransportDisconnect enum value | ros::Connection | |
write(const boost::shared_array< uint8_t > &buffer, uint32_t size, const WriteFinishedFunc &finished_callback, bool immedate=true) | ros::Connection | |
write_buffer_ | ros::Connection | private |
write_callback_ | ros::Connection | private |
write_callback_mutex_ | ros::Connection | private |
write_mutex_ | ros::Connection | private |
write_sent_ | ros::Connection | private |
write_size_ | ros::Connection | private |
writeHeader(const M_string &key_vals, const WriteFinishedFunc &finished_callback) | ros::Connection | |
writeTransport() | ros::Connection | private |
writing_ | ros::Connection | private |
~Connection() | ros::Connection | |
Author(s): Morgan Quigley, Josh Faust, Brian Gerkey, Troy Straszheim, Dirk Thomas
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:33:27