uart.c File Reference

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART) driver for SAM. More...

#include "uart.h"
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void uart_disable (Uart *p_uart)
 Disable UART receiver and transmitter. More...
void uart_disable_interrupt (Uart *p_uart, uint32_t ul_sources)
 Disable UART interrupts. More...
void uart_disable_rx (Uart *p_uart)
 Disable UART receiver. More...
void uart_disable_tx (Uart *p_uart)
 Disable UART transmitter. More...
void uart_enable (Uart *p_uart)
 Enable UART receiver and transmitter. More...
void uart_enable_interrupt (Uart *p_uart, uint32_t ul_sources)
 Enable UART interrupts. More...
void uart_enable_rx (Uart *p_uart)
 Enable UART receiver. More...
void uart_enable_tx (Uart *p_uart)
 Enable UART transmitter. More...
uint32_t uart_get_interrupt_mask (Uart *p_uart)
 Read UART interrupt mask. More...
Pdc * uart_get_pdc_base (Uart *p_uart)
 Get UART PDC base address. More...
uint32_t uart_get_status (Uart *p_uart)
 Get current status. More...
uint32_t uart_init (Uart *p_uart, const sam_uart_opt_t *p_uart_opt)
 Configure UART with the specified parameters. More...
uint32_t uart_is_rx_buf_end (Uart *p_uart)
 Check if one receive buffer is filled. More...
uint32_t uart_is_rx_buf_full (Uart *p_uart)
 Check if both receive buffers are full. More...
uint32_t uart_is_rx_ready (Uart *p_uart)
 Check if Received data is ready. Check if data has been received and loaded in UART_RHR. More...
uint32_t uart_is_tx_buf_empty (Uart *p_uart)
 Check if both transmit buffers are sent out. More...
uint32_t uart_is_tx_buf_end (Uart *p_uart)
 Check if one transmit buffer is sent out. More...
uint32_t uart_is_tx_empty (Uart *p_uart)
 Check if Transmit Hold Register is empty. Check if the last data written in UART_THR has been loaded in TSR and the last data loaded in TSR has been transmitted. More...
uint32_t uart_is_tx_ready (Uart *p_uart)
 Check if Transmit is Ready. Check if data has been loaded in UART_THR and is waiting to be loaded in the Transmit Shift Register (TSR). More...
uint32_t uart_read (Uart *p_uart, uint8_t *puc_data)
 Read from UART Receive Holding Register. Before reading user should check if rx is ready. More...
void uart_reset (Uart *p_uart)
 Reset UART receiver and transmitter. More...
void uart_reset_rx (Uart *p_uart)
 Reset UART receiver. More...
void uart_reset_status (Uart *p_uart)
 Reset status bits. More...
void uart_reset_tx (Uart *p_uart)
 Reset UART transmitter. More...
void uart_set_clock_divisor (Uart *p_uart, uint16_t us_divisor)
 Set UART clock divisor value. More...
uint32_t uart_write (Uart *p_uart, const uint8_t uc_data)
 Write to UART Transmit Holding Register Before writing user should check if tx is ready (or empty). More...

Detailed Description

Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transceiver (UART) driver for SAM.

Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Microchip Technology Inc. and its subsidiaries.

Definition in file uart.c.

autogenerated on Sat Sep 19 2020 03:19:07