File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 cpu_time.cppImplemntation of the cpu timer
 cpu_time.hppTimer for measuring time spent sitting on the cpu
 date.cppImplementation of date manipulators
 date.hppDate manipulations
 errors.hppFile comment
 functions.hppPlatform specific incantations of the time functions
 functions_mac.cppMac implementation of ecl time functions
 functions_mac.hppMach implementation of ecl time functions
 functions_pos.cppPosix implementation of ecl time functions
 functions_pos.hppSimple posix implementation of ecl time functions
 functions_rt.cppReal-time (librt) implementation of ecl time functions
 functions_rt.hppReal-time implementation of ecl time functions
 functions_win.cppWindows implementation of ecl time functions
 functions_win.hppWindows interfaces for ecl time functions
 macros.hppMacros for error-checking and program termination
 time_functions.cppCtest style coverage test for the ecl_time_lite functions
 time_lite.hppCollects headers for ecl_time_lite
 types.hppCross platform definition for time types
 types_pos.hppPosix definition for time types
 types_win.hppCross platform definition for time types

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Fri Jun 7 2019 21:52:47