MockSocketTest Member List

This is the complete list of members for MockSocketTest, including all inherited members.

Expect_accept(int fd, int ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_bind(int fd, int port, bool ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_close(int fd)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_connect(int fd, const std::string &host, int port, bool ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_get_port(int socket, int ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_getError(int ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_listen(int fd, int backlog, bool ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_nbRead(int fd, const std::string &s, bool eof, bool ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_nbWrite(int fd, const std::string &s, int bytes, bool ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_setNonBlocking(int fd, bool ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_setReuseAddr(int fd, bool ret)MockSocketTestprotected
Expect_socket(int ret)MockSocketTestprotected

Author(s): Chris Morley, Konstantin Pilipchuk, Morgan Quigley, Austin Hendrix, Dirk Thomas , Jacob Perron
autogenerated on Sat Sep 14 2024 02:59:32