lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >, including all inherited members.

average(const CollectionT &vecs)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >static
BaseVector()lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >inline
BaseVector(const CoordT &x, const CoordT &y, const CoordT &z)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >inline
BaseVector(const BaseVector &o)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >inline
centroid(const CollectionT &points)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >static
CoordType typedeflvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
cross(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
distance(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
distance2(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
distanceFrom(const BaseVector< CoordT > &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
dot(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
length() constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
length2() constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
normalize()lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >inline
normalized() constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator!=(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator*(const CoordT &scale) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator*(const BaseVector< CoordType > &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator*(const Eigen::Matrix< S, 4, 4 > &mat, const BaseVector< T > &normal)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >friend
operator*=(const CoordT &scale)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator+(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator+=(const BaseVector< CoordT > &other)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator-(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator-=(const BaseVector< CoordT > &other)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator/(const CoordT &scale) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator/=(const CoordT &scale)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator==(const BaseVector &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator[](const unsigned &index) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
operator[](const unsigned &index)lvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
rotated(const BaseVector &n, const double &alpha) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
squaredDistanceFrom(const BaseVector< CoordType > &other) constlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
xlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
ylvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >
zlvr2::BaseVector< CoordT >

Author(s): Thomas Wiemann , Sebastian Pütz , Alexander Mock , Lars Kiesow , Lukas Kalbertodt , Tristan Igelbrink , Johan M. von Behren , Dominik Feldschnieders , Alexander Löhr
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:37:27