lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >, including all inherited members.

calculateTexCoords(TextureHandle texH, const BoundingRectangle< typename BaseVecT::CoordType > &boundingRect, BaseVecT v)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
calculateTexCoordsInv(TextureHandle texH, const BoundingRectangle< typename BaseVecT::CoordType > &boundingRect, const TexCoords &coords)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
findKeyPointsInTexture(const TextureHandle texH, const BoundingRectangle< typename BaseVecT::CoordType > &boundingRect, const cv::Ptr< cv::Feature2D > &detector, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keypoints, cv::Mat &descriptors)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
generateTexture(int index, const PointsetSurface< BaseVecT > &surface, const BoundingRectangle< typename BaseVecT::CoordType > &boundingRect)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >virtual
getTexture(TextureHandle h)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
getTextureIndex(TextureHandle h)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
getTextures()lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
keypoints23d(const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keypoints, const BoundingRectangle< typename BaseVecT::CoordType > &boundingRect, const TextureHandle &h)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
m_texelSizelvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
m_texMaxClusterSizelvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
m_texMinClusterSizelvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
m_textureslvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >protected
saveTextures()lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >
Texturizer(float texelSize, int texMinClusterSize, int texMaxClusterSize)lvr2::Texturizer< BaseVecT >

Author(s): Thomas Wiemann , Sebastian Pütz , Alexander Mock , Lars Kiesow , Lukas Kalbertodt , Tristan Igelbrink , Johan M. von Behren , Dominik Feldschnieders , Alexander Löhr
autogenerated on Wed Mar 2 2022 00:37:27