Changelog for package rqt_human_radar
0.2.1 (2022-12-13)
- changing variable names to overcome shadowing errors
- fixed CMakeLists.txt to overcome shadowing issues
- adding missing build dependencies
The package was previously missing a series of build dependencies:
- tf
- hri
- qt5base
- gt5svg5
- Contributors: lorenzoferrini
0.2.0 (2022-10-18)
- {rqt_engagement_radar->rqt_human_radar}
- add BSD license
- removed scripts folder installation
since scripts folder was not used in the end, removed any reference
to its installation in the CMakelists.txt
- removed .png person icon (now using .svg)
- Using body position for people placing.
No more using face for icon placing in the radar canvas.
Commented the code to make it more understandable.
- removed unused tick boxes
- removed leftover code
- fixed graphics and resizing
- distance information displayed
it is now possible displaying the distance information by clicking
on a person icon
- added pixels-per-meter spinbox
in setting it is now possible to set the pixels per meter.
Spinbox info:
- minimum = 50
- maximum = 600
- single step = 10
- removed any reference to attention/fov cones
- svg object management
- size of the polygon containing the svg based on the svg size
- defined constants for the rendering size
- removed references to the .png person image
- introduced a check on right loading of the svg image
- ranges and agles info visualization
adding information about the distance each range represents and
angles visualization
- [wip] rendering person icon from svg
- revisited range painting process
- [WiP] display of person info
display of person info when hovering with mouse over the image
of a person
- Fixed person image rotation process
- Multitab version plugin - first version
First, semi-mockup version of the multitab version of the rada
plugin. Two different tabs: one for the radar itself, one for the
- add BSD license
- Contributors: Séverin Lemaignan, lorenzoferrini
0.1.0 (2022-09-12)
- Initial release: display a top-down 'radar' view of the humans detected around
the robot
- Contributors: Lorenzo Ferrini, Séverin Lemaignan