Changelog for package rm_referee
0.1.20 (2023-06-20)
- Merge pull request #170 from chenhuiYu00/dev/power_management
Add other unpack code for power management
- Update power management unpack code.
- Merge pull request #169 from chenhuiYu00/dev/update_chassis_topic
Update chassis topic.
- Update chassis topic.
- Merge pull request #168 from chenhuiYu00/dev/update_power_management
Update PowerManagement protocol v1.2
- Update PowerManagement protocol v1.2
- Merge pull request #167 from chenhuiYu00/dev/radar_interactive
Add radar interactive
- Merge pull request #166 from chenhuiYu00/dev/sentry_map
Add sentry map
- Add radar interactive.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/sentry_map
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/sentry_map
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/referee_base.h
# rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
- Fixed cycle number.
- Merge pull request #165 from rm-controls/revert-164-Add_engineerui
Revert "Merge the engineer's ui into master"
- Revert "Merge the engineer's ui into master"
- Merge pull request #164 from ljq-lv/Add_engineerui
Merge the engineer's ui into master
- Merge branch 'master' into Add_engineerui
- Merge pull request #163 from 1moule/pitch_ui
Add pitch angle ui for hero
- Merge the engineer's ui into master
- Merge branch 'master' into pitch_ui
- Merge branch 'master' into pitch_ui
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/referee_base.h
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/time_change_ui.h
# rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
# rm_referee/src/ui/time_change_ui.cpp
- Add pitch angle ui.
- Merge pull request #158 from chenhuiYu00/dev/power_management
Update new power management
- Merge branch 'master' into windwill_auto_fire
- Change ros info during unpack.
- Merge pull request #157 from chenhuiYu00/dev/balance_cmd_send
Add balance command sender and balance pitch ui
- Add capacity mode check mode function.
- Add map sentry interactive data send.
- Merge branch 'dev/balance_cmd_send' into dev/power_management
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
- Parameterize add ui and send ui config.
- Reduce add ui frequency.
- Update NORMAL delay.
- Fixed foolish delay bug.
- Merge branch 'dev/power_management' into dev/balance_cmd_send_power_management
# Conflicts:
# rm_common/include/rm_common/decision/command_sender.h
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'chenhuiYu/dev/power_management' into dev/power_management
- Update super capacitor use strategy
- Allow chassis ui update during add ui.
- Reduce update ui frequency.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send
- Update balance pitch ui for new ui logic.
- Merge pull request #156 from chenhuiYu00/ui_refact
Fixed bug in graph queue update
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
# rm_referee/src/ui/time_change_ui.cpp
- Merge pull request #145 from chenhuiYu00/ui_refact
Refact ui send logic and add rotation,target state ui
- Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/power_management
- Fixed queue bug.
- Delete unused function.
- Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/power_management
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/time_change_ui.h
# rm_referee/src/ui/time_change_ui.cpp
- Add exit BURST delay.
- Fixed unpack bug.
- Delete old capacity protocol publisher and related code.
- Fixed ui send bug.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/power_management
- Rename TriggerScalerTriggerChangeUi.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/ui_refact
- Add power management sample and state data publish.
- Update power management protocol ver1.1
- Fixed getRobotInfo();
- Merge branch 'master' into suggest_fire
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Merge pull request #150 from 1moule/buff_ui
Update big buff and small buff ui.
- Update big buff and small buff ui.
- Add graph queue.
- Fixed unpack problem in capacity serial .
- Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/balance_cmd_send
- Add debug info.
- Update power management protocol.
- Fixed merge problem.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/ui_refact
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/common/protocol.h
# rm_referee/src/ui/graph.cpp
- Add balance pitch ui.
- Merge pull request #146 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master
- Merge branch 'dev/ui_refact' into dev/balance_cmd_send
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/referee_base.h
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/time_change_ui.h
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/ui_base.h
# rm_referee/src/referee_base.cpp
# rm_referee/src/ui/ui_base.cpp
- Change ui circle add.
- Add target scale trigger change ui.
- Add rotation time change ui.
- Fixed bugs in referee refactoring.
- Refactoring referee.
- Merge pull request #144 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master
Fix problem generate by merge conflict
- Add balance pitch ui.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/balance_cmd_send
- Merge branch 'master' into suggest_fire
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Merge branch 'master' into suggest_fire
- Merge pull request #1 from rm-controls/master
- Contributors: 1moule, BruceLannn, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yuchen, 王湘鈜
0.1.19 (2023-05-03)
- Fix problem generate by merge conflict.
- Merge pull request #143 from rm-controls/new_protocol
Merge branch 'new protocol' into 'master'
- Merge branch 'master' into new_protocol
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Merge pull request #141 from Aung-xiao/master
Publish hp msgs in game_robot_state topic
- Merge pull request #138 from chenhuiYu00/fix_ui_param
Fixed the issue that referee must set ui param.
- add hp msgs
- Fixed ui param get.
- Merge pull request #134 from NaHCO3bc/new_protocol
Modify the publisher name.
- Modify the publisher name.
- Merge pull request #131 from NaHCO3bc/new_protocol
Add a publisher to send target position from serial.
- Merge branch 'master' into one_click_turn_cmd_sender
- Add a publisher to send target position from serial.
- Merge pull request #130 from chenhuiYu00/dev/serial_update
Update server protocl
- Update code style in protocol struct.
- Merge pull request #125 from chenhuiYu00/dev/circle_add
Add circle in ui add.
- Update serial protocol.
- Merge pull request #114 from 1moule/switch_camera_command_sender
Add ui for switching cameras
- Modify the logic of getting the camera name parameter.
- Merge branch 'master' into switch_camera_command_sender
- Update official serial protocol.
- Delete unused value.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/circle_add
- Raise add frequence.
- Merge pull request #123 from ljq-lv/modify
Modified the msg of engineer to 'EngineerUi'
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/circle_add
- Use timer in ui add.
- Merge branch 'master' into multi_dof_controller
# Conflicts:
# rm_common/include/rm_common/decision/command_sender.h
# rm_msgs/CMakeLists.txt
- Merge pull request #124 from chenhuiYu00/delete_armor
Delete armor flash ui.
- Delete armor flash ui.
- Add circle in ui add.
- Merge branch 'master' into one_click_turn_cmd_sender
- Modify the logic of getting the camera name from the configuration file.
- Modified the msg of engineer to 'EngineerUi'
- Merge branch 'master' into switch_camera_command_sender
# Conflicts:
# rm_referee/include/rm_referee/ui/trigger_change_ui.h
# rm_referee/src/ui/trigger_change_ui.cpp
- Merge pull request #120 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master
- Modified to get the camera name from the configuration file.
- Calling display function in updateCameraName function and modefy function parameters of setColor function.
- Modefy ui name and add updateConfig function.
- Add ui for switch camera and modefy command sender.
- Contributors: 1moule, Aung-xiao, LSY, NaHCO3bc, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yezi, yuchen
0.1.18 (2023-03-25)
- Merge pull request #113 from chenhuiYu00/dev/polygon_ui
Add polygon UI.
- Merge pull request #109 from ljq-lv/Delete
Delete the chassis mode "GYRO"
- Merge pull request #116 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master
Display shooter block state
- Delete ShootCmd subscriber.
- Display shooter block state.
- Delete test polygon ui.
- Merge branch 'master' into dev/polygon_ui
- Delete the chassis mode "GYRO"
- Merge branch 'master' into gazebo_imu_reserve
- Merge pull request #106 from YoujianWu/work
Delete dependence roslint.
- Run pre-commit.
- Delete dependence roslint.
- Test GroupUi in real robot.
- Rebase FixedUi.
- Add GroupUiBase class and Polygon ui.
- Merge branch 'master' into acceleration
# Conflicts:
# rm_common/include/rm_common/decision/command_sender.h
- Merge pull request #104 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master
- Contributors: Kook, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yezi, yuchen
0.1.17 (2023-02-21)
- Merge pull request #100 from ljq-lv/modified_msgs_name
Modified msgs name
- Modified the function and topic name
- Modified the function and topic name
- Modified the msg "EngineerCmd" name
- Merge pull request #88 from sloretz/sloretz_remove_invalid_char
Remove 0x01 char from changelog
- Merge pull request #86 from chenhuiYu00/dev/lane_line_ui
Add lane line ui.
- Add reference_joint param.
- Remove 0x01 char from changelog
- Add pitch index.
- Update Ui.
- Optimize LaneLine ui.
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Add LaneLine ui.
- Merge pull request #84 from ye-luo-xi-tui/master
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Contributors: Shane Loretz, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yuchen, 吕骏骐
0.1.16 (2022-11-24)
- Merge pull request #80 from ljq-lv/new_ui_test
Improve the Ui to reduce data transport
- Modified the braces of rm_common
- Modified the braces of rm_common
- Fixed the error of wrong named
- Fixed the error of wrong named
- Modified the name of time stamp
- Delete the director of "referee" in CMakeLists.txt
- Improve the struct of directory
- Divide ui.cpp into different type cpp
- Add the empty function to updateManualCmdData()
- Move updateManualCmdData into parent class
- Delete the usleep()
- Add the rpc_value of fixed
- Delete unnecessary function run()
- Modified the param's name and combined the if
- Modified the named of time
- Add destructor function
- Modified the logic to get param
- Modified the named of time stamp
- Improve the way to get param
- Delete unnecessary init and NodeHandle
- Move the class's init from cpp to h
- Move referee_ui_'s init into rm_referee::Referee
- Delete the parent Delete the part of update
- Delete the part of Referee.msg
- Run pre-commit
- Merge branch 'master' into new_ui_test
- Merge pull request #78 from chenhuiYu00/dev/command_sender
Check the modification of command sender.
- Add namespace "referee" before topic's name
- Fixed code style
- Add "referee_" before topic's name
- Fixed the spelling error
- Fixed the spelling error
- Fixed the cover state's bug
- Test the basic ui function successful
- Locate the bug of capacity class
- Locate the bug of chassis class
- Add the chassis class
- Fix the logic of CheckUiAdd()
- Delete chassis class to test bug
- Modified the struct of ui
- Modified the struct of ui
- Test the init of referee_base
- Add test code
- Delete referee msg and update command sender.
- test
- Move the robot_id and robot_color from "Base" to the class "DataTranslation"
- Add the class "DataTranslation" to deal with serial_
- Merge pull request #76 from chenhuiYu00/accleration_Initial_value
Add accleration initial value.
- Merge branch 'rm-controls:master' into master
- Code format.
- Merge pull request #70 from chenhuiYu00/rm_referee_pr
Complete the referee part of manual separation.
- Remove referee config.
- Move files.
- Type conversion.
- Add RobotID enum.
- Delete /common/data.h, Update power_limit and heat_limit.
- Update date acquisition in command_sender.
- Naming conventions.
- Move referee part from rm_common to rm_referee and modify ui sending logic.
- Add referee is_online msg.
- Adjust referee data sending way and adapt current ui.
- Add referee msg.
- Merge and fixed conflict.
- Write radar interactive.
- Add radar part.
- Fixed bug.
- Add gimablchassis ui.
- Ui work success,ore ui is in test.
- Try reuse power limit state.
- Change Variable name,color problem in powerlimitstate.
- Fixed some problems,not ready.
- Update config,referee only send ui once.
- Add ore remain,dart remain ui.
- Fixed topic naming, add time stamp in referee msgs.
- Merge date.
- Fixed for test manual,Immature work.
- Merge branch 'rm_referee1' into referee1
- Merge date.
- Ljq update,fixed for test manual,Immature work.
- Add PowerHearData.msg and GameRObotHp.msg
- Delete unnecessary calibraiton.h
- Add
- Update the add operation of ui
- Add referee package
- Contributors: Chenhui, QiayuanLiao, ljq-lv, ye-luo-xi-tui, yuchen, 吕骏骐