Changelog for package raw_description
0.7.9 (2023-11-06)
0.7.8 (2022-07-29)
0.7.7 (2021-12-23)
- Merge pull request #294 from fmessmer/unique_control_plugin
guarantee unique plugin name for hwi_switch_gazebo_ros_control
- guarantee unique plugin name for hwi_switch_gazebo_ros_control
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.6 (2021-08-02)
0.7.5 (2021-07-01)
0.7.4 (2020-11-20)
0.7.3 (2020-09-26)
- Merge pull request #288 from fmessmer/test_noetic
test noetic
- Bump CMake version to avoid CMP0048 warning
- Merge pull request #287 from fmessmer/fix/include_common_xacro
add missing common xacro includes
- more missing common.xacro for intertial macros
- Merge pull request #279 from fmessmer/fix_xacro_test
[travis] xacro test
- comment ur_description bits
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.7.2 (2020-03-18)
- Merge pull request #281 from ipa-jba/feature/raw-mini
Feature/raw mini
- nitpick
- remove unneeded values
- add a planar move plugin for raw-mini (no mecanum)
- use updated meshes
- add a mecanum wheel (5cm wide 5cm radius)
- Updated config for raw-mini
- Added files for raw-mini
- Merge pull request #277 from fmessmer/ci_updates
[travis] ci updates
- catkin_lint fixes
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Jannik Abbenseth, flg-vs, fmessmer
0.7.1 (2019-11-07)
0.7.0 (2019-08-06)
- Merge pull request #271 from benmaidel/feature/melodify
- more hardware_interface prefixing
- added hardware_interface prefix for transmission (melodic's cob_gazebo_ros_control plugin expects it)
- Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, Felix Messmer, fmessmer
0.6.12 (2019-05-20)
0.6.11 (2019-04-05)
0.6.10 (2019-03-14)
0.6.9 (2018-07-21)
- fix syntax
- fix torso urdf for raw3-1 (#241)
* updated raw3-1 configuration
* Changed back to collision box
* Using inertia macro
* Use geometry macro
- Contributors: Felix Messmer, Richard Bormann
0.6.8 (2018-01-07)
- Merge pull request #246 from ipa320/indigo_release_candidate
Indigo release candidate
- Merge pull request #239 from ipa-fxm/indigo_dev_rmb
corrected torso definition
- corrected torso definition
- Merge pull request #232 from bmagyar/simplify_raw_vacuum_gripper_collision_model
Replace vacuum gripper collision mesh with bounding box
- Replace vacuum gripper collision mesh with bounding box
- Merge pull request #230 from ipa-fxm/update_maintainer
update maintainer
- Merge pull request #231 from ipa-fxm/update_torso_raw3-1
new torso raw3-1
- add new torso for raw3-1
- add powerball urdf
- update maintainer
- Merge pull request #224 from ipa-fxm/APACHE_license
use license apache 2.0
- Merge pull request #229 from ipa-fxm/move_ur_arm
move ur_arm to raw_description
- move ur_arm to raw_description
- use license apache 2.0
- Contributors: Bence Magyar, Felix Messmer, Richard Bormann, ipa-fxm, ipa-uhr-mk
0.6.7 (2017-07-17)
- Current config gripper (#221)
* added vacuum gripper
* New STL file for the vacuum gripper
* Vacuum Gripper file description updated
* torso and gripper updates
* removed obsolete files
* orient_gripper
- fix the wheel radius to meet with the actual hardware radii
- separate laser scanner from base
- finalizing
- changes acoording to pull request
- origin of the colision mesh corrected according with visual values
- origin of the colision mesh corrected
- gripper mesh simplified
- stable behavior by tweaking the base mass/inertia achieved
- stable behavior by tweaking the base mass/inertia achieved
- get a stable behavior by tweaking the base mass/inertia
- use scalable primitive meshes
- use the properties at the top for the collision properties
- file name and suffix all small letters.
- gripper macro name changed and prefix removed as argument
- tabs vs spaces solved
- requested changes
- torso and gripper updates
- Vacuum Gripper file description updated
- New STL file for the vacuum gripper
- added vacuum gripper
- move gazebo_ros_control plugin
- use latest xacro syntax
- manually fix changelog
- Contributors: Bruno Brito, Richard Bormann, ipa-bfb-sc, ipa-fxm, ipa-mjp, ipa-raw3-3
0.6.6 (2016-10-10)
- fixed inertia and mass for raw3 base long
- Contributors: Benjamin Maidel
0.6.5 (2016-04-01)
- restructure simulated lasers and laser topic names
- fixed copy paste error for base_short laser mounting position
- Contributors: Benjamin Maidel, ipa-fxm
0.6.4 (2015-08-29)
- fix typo in collision mesh file name
- add explicit exec_depend to xacro
- fix catkin_minimum_required version
- remove trailing whitespaces
- remove trailing whitespaces
- migrate to package format 2
- sort dependencies
- critically review dependencies
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.3 (2015-06-17)
- allow laser calibration
- remove unsupported calibration_rising
- separate xacro macro for drive_wheel module used in all bases + significant simplification
- use PositionJointInterface
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.2 (2014-12-15)
- use VelocityJointInterface hardware interfaces for simulation of all bases
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.1 (2014-09-24)
- 1=true
- fix bumper plugins
- Contributors: ipa-fxm
0.6.0 (2014-09-16)
0.5.5 (2014-08-27)
0.5.4 (2014-08-25)
- update changelog
- consistency changes due to latest gazebo tag format
- consitency changes due to new transmission format
- unify materials
- include gazebo_ros dependendy to export materials
- merge with hydro_dev
- cleanup dependencies
- beautify indentation + cleaning up
- better approximation of inertias
- Merge pull request #112 from ipa-cob4-1/hydro_dev
Rotated sick_s300 mesh file
- use the macros instead 3.14...
- Merge into hydro_dev
- switch laser scanner orientation
- removed bumpers and changed transmission config to new syntax
- no inertia in base_footprint
- use collada material description
- remove material physic properties of wheels to use default, fixes #90
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Felix Messmer, Florian Weisshardt, ipa-bnm, ipa-cob4-1, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg
0.5.3 (2014-03-31)
0.5.2 (2014-03-20)
- merge with groovy_dev_cob4
- fixed gazebo_plugins
- fixed path to file
- update transmission for all components
- update xmlns + beautifying
- fix xacro include tag deprecation
- Merge pull request #7 from ipa-fxm/groovy_dev
bring groovy updates to hydro
- harmonize with cob structure
- upstream changes
- fixing simulation for hydro. Still wip
- Solved xacro Warning in hydro.
- also add urdf include for tf
- small changes for new camera setup
- changes for hydro gazebo, still not fully working
- changed wheel positions to make rotation right, also changed some bugs in the asymetric tower
- changed mesh origin to the center of the base plate
- deleted ur10 description
- Contributors: Denis Štogl, abubeck, ipa-bnm, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg, raw3-1 administrator
0.5.1 (2013-08-16 01:14:35 -0700)
0.5.0 (2013-08-16 01:14:35 -0700)
- added installer stuff
- fixed bug after merging
- merged with upstream changes
- removed generation of mesh files
- Merge pull request #41 from ipa-fxm/mesh_gen_fix
remove mesh file generation from description packages - they are not nee...
- cleanup deps
- Catkin for cob_common
- remove mesh file generation from description packages - they are not needed any longer
- new files for adding universal arms with origin parameter
- new gazebo sensor structure
- merge
- moved tower meshes
- changed path to tower meshes
- added materials
- raw tower descriptions
- added new description for the short raw base
- added new base description for the longer raw base
- remove deprecated ur10 description and meshes from cob_common
- mainly beautifying
- clean up gazebo files
- go back to using mesh for collision instead of big box - box makes robot not movable within gazebo
- re-add kinect to raw-torso
- major adaptions in gazebo.urdf.xacros according to new gazebo format for controllers
- Revert "increase size of boxgripper"
This reverts commit 2b97071804a7627ca8a41079fbe35cf5c01dc57b.
- increase size of boxgripper
- use boxgripper mesh in urdf
- new mesh for boxgripper
- modified boxgripper
- fixed urdf
- urdf fix
- raw description and meshes for short raw
- adjusted boxgripper collision geometry
- simpler collision geometries
- no stereo cameras attached to raw3-1
- fixed box_gripper position
- added ur10 in raw3-1 description
- Groovy migration
- merge
- Deleted texture colors
- Renamed colors
- fix color
- fix colors and powerball tray
- raw torso calibration
- modified raw3-1 urdf description
- added amadeus boxgripper description for raw3-1
- flipped front to back like on real robot
- fixed typo
- changed names from cob to raw and adapted gazebo and transmission files
- changed limit of torso tilt
- changed torso back to working version from robot, renamed joints
- removed old arm_ur files
- removed old arm_ur meshes
- adapted raw_torso files
- final raw-model V2
- use stl
- new files for raw_description, some fixes
- fixed: all stl file shouldn't start with the word 'solid'. Replace 'solid' with 'robot', see
- merge
- final raw-model
- changed stl files not using solid
- changed kinect configuration for fuerte, changed stlb links to stl
- Merge branch 'review-abubeck'
- finished raw3-1 model --- V1
- small urdf bugfix
- remove swp file
- Merge branch 'master' of
- deleted swap file
- changes for raw
- delete obsolete files
- added new stls for raw base
- moved sick_s300 stl to cob_description
- added stls and adopted model due to CAD data for raw3-1
- added torso
- substitute 1.57 3.14 6.28 through M_PI
- changed direction of urdf model to new convention
- changed rotation of laser scanner to work on real robot
- renamed icob to raw and merged and cleaned up lots of things
- Contributors: Alexander Bubeck, Florian Weißhardt, Lucian Cucu, abubeck, ipa-bnm, ipa-fmw, ipa-fxm, ipa-nhg, robot