Avoid downgrading default C++ standard (#3043)
Implement ACM defaults as a fallback instead of an override (#2938)
This allows disabling collisions for specific links/objects by default and re-enabling individual pairs if necessary.
Adapt message passing of AllowedCollisionMatrix
Make TimeParameterization classes polymorphic (#3021)
Fix wrong transform in distance fields' determineCollisionSpheres() (#3022)
collision_distance_field: Fix undefined behavior vector insertion (#3017)
Contributors: Jafar Abdi, Jochen Sprickerhof, Martin Oehler, Robert Haschke
Silent warning about invalid virtual_joint in Gazebo setups
Add RobotState::getRigidlyConnectedParentLinkModel #2918 (add RobotState::getRigidlyAttachedParentLink)
Normalize incoming transforms (#2920)
Reworked compiler flags and fixed various warnings (#2915)
Fix uninitialized orientation in default shape pose (#2896)
Drop the minimum velocity/acceleration limits for TOTG (#2937)
Readability and consistency improvements in TOTG (#2882)
Bullet collision: Consider ACM defaults using getAllowedCollision() (#2871)
PlanningScene::getPlanningSceneDiffMsg(): Do not list an object as destroyed when it got attached (#2864)
The information in the diff is redundant because attaching implies the removal from the PlanningScene. In the unlikely case, you relied on the REMOVE entry in the diff message, use the newly attached collision object to indicate the same instead.
Fix Bullet collision: Register notify function to receive world updates (#2830)
Split CollisionPluginLoader (#2834)
To avoid circular dependencies, but enable reuse of the CollisionPluginLoader, the non-ROS part was moved into moveit_core/moveit_collision_detection.so and the ROS part (reading the plugin name from the parameter server) into moveit_ros_planning/moveit_collision_plugin_loader.so (as before).
Use default copy constructor to clone attached objects (#2855)
Fix pose-not-set-bug (#2852)
Add API for passing a RNG to setToRandomPositionsNearBy() (#2799)
Fix backwards compatibility for specifying poses for a single collision shape (#2816)
Fix Bullet collision returning wrong contact type (#2829)
Add RobotState::setToDefaultValues(string group) (#2828)
Fix confusion of tolerance limits in JointConstraint (#2815)
Fix RobotState constructor segfault (#2790)
Preserve metadata (color, type) when detaching objects (#2814)
Introduce a reference frame for collision objects (#2037)
CollisionObject messages are now defined with a Pose. Shapes and subframes are defined relative to that pose. This makes it easier to place objects with subframes and multiple shapes in the scene. This causes several changes:
getFrameTransform() now returns this pose instead of the first shape's pose.
The Rviz plugin's manipulation tab now uses the object's pose instead of the shape pose to evaluate if object's are in the region of interest.
PlanningScene geometry text files (.scene) have changed format.
Add a line 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 under each line with an asterisk to upgrade old files if required.
Fix bullet plugin library path name (#2783)
clang-tidy: modernize-make-shared, modernize-make-unique (#2762)
RobotTrajectory: convenience constructor + chain setter support (#2751)
Allow axis-angle representation for orientation constraints (#2402)
Optimization: reserve() vector in advance (#2732)
Use same padding/scale for attached collision objects as for parent link (#2721)
Optimize FCL distanceCallback(): use thread_local vars, avoid copying (#2698)
Remove octomap from catkin_packages LIBRARIES entry (#2700)
Remove deprecated header deprecation.h (#2693)
collision_detection_fcl: Report link_names in correct order (#2682)
Move OccMapTree to moveit_core/collision_detection (#2684)
Contributors: 0Nel, AndyZe, Captain Yoshi, Felix von Drigalski, Jafar Abdi, Jeroen, Jochen Sprickerhof, John Stechschulte, Jonathan Grebe, Max Schwarz, Michael Görner, Michael Wiznitzer, Peter Mitrano, Robert Haschke, Silvio Traversaro, Simon Schmeisser, Tobias Fischer, Tyler Weaver, Wolf Vollprecht, Yuri Rocha, pvanlaar, toru-kuga, v4hn, werner291