Changelog for package jsk_teleop_joy
0.1.18 (2024-12-09)
- [jsk_teleop_joy] support midi launchpad X (#789)
- [jsk_teleop_joy] python3-pygame is required on noetic (#787)
- Contributors: Shun Hasegawa, Yoshiki Obinata
0.1.17 (2023-05-28)
0.1.16 (2022-10-27)
- fix for python3 (#776)
- add from __future__ import print_function (#773)
- [] delete pip instruction and recommend apt version only (#760)
- fix for python3 (#763)
- 2to3 -w -fexcept .
- 2to3 -w -fprint .
- update readme
- Update jsk_teleop_joy/
- Add ipega controller support (#716)
- Fixed a key setting mistake. Add controller_type ipega as a possible input for joy_status
- Add ipega controller support
- Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa, Iki Yo, Kei Okada, Yoichiro Kawamura
0.1.15 (2018-05-16)
- Merge pull request #693 from k-okada/fix_apt_slow
remove unused build_depends
- remove unused build_depends
- Contributors: Kei Okada
0.1.14 (2018-01-15)
0.1.13 (2017-04-18)
- [jsk_footstep_planner, jsk_teleop_joy] add stack mode to footstep_marker
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Remove / from default frame_id in pose6d plugin
- [jsk_teleop_joy] update view control in rviz using teleop_joy
- Contributors: Yohei Kakiuchi
0.1.12 (2017-02-22)
0.1.11 (2017-02-09)
0.1.10 (2016-12-15)
- [jsk_teleop_joy] package.xml : add pygame run depend (#657)
- Add toggle footstep marker mode joy interface (#607)
- src/jsk_teleop_joy/plugin/ Add joy interface to toggle planning mode
- Add plugin to send cmd_vel from joystick contorller (#600)
- [jsk_teleop_joy] src/jsk_teleop_joy/ : Add plugin_package option to JoyManager to use joy plugins in other packages
- [jsk_teleop_joy] src/jsk_teleop_joy/plugin/ : Add orthogonal_axis_mode, which does not allow diagonal movement
- [jsk_teleop_joy] src/jsk_teleop_joy/plugin/ : Add plugin to send cmd_vel from joystick contorller
- Add utility tools for jaxon footstep planner (#598)
- [jsk_footstep_planner] launch/joy_footstep_marker.launch : Add joy_footstep_marker launch, which control footstep_marker from joystick controller
- Project odom_init to detected floor (#579)
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Check result of service call by exception handling
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Display OverlayMenu before execute footstep
- [jsk_teleop_joy] sync pre_pose in joy_footstep_marker only at first of the pose update sequence
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add marker_name arg to getCurrentMarkerPose and initialize marker by initial_footstep_marker in reset process
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add footstep marker synchonization to joy_footstep_marker
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add joycontroller interface plugin for footstep_marker
- Contributors: Kanae Kochigami, Iory Kumagai
0.1.9 (2016-03-23)
0.1.8 (2015-11-02)
0.1.7 (2015-11-01)
- [jsk_teleop_joy/] add reset command
- [jsk_teleop_joy/scripts/] fix bug to support buttons
- Revert "[jsk_teleop_joy/scripts/] fix bug to support buttons"
This reverts commit 1704b24d2b96aae962e4c87968f68078442417a2.
- [jsk_teleop_joy/scripts/] fix bug to support buttons
- put most process into class method
- instantiate before subscribe
- fix bug around page-change
- implement page-change
- add joy_relative_converter
- [jsk_footstep_controller, jsk_teleop_joy] Use footstep-controller.l and lock/unlock furutaractive
model during exeucuting footsteps
- Remove manifest.xml and Makefile and use catkin style filesystem
- Contributors: Ryohei Ueda, Satoshi Iwaishi
0.1.6 (2015-06-11)
- [drc_task_common] Modify threshold of brake: 0.9 -> 0.5
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Subscribe execute flag and disable update command when execute flag is false
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Call wait_for_message only once in synchronize
- [jsk_teleop_joy] synchronizeAllCommand do not takes argument
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Support single synchroniation
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Fix neck-p/y joint command range
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add initialization service to vehicle joy
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add synchronize method to vehicle plugin to prevent overwrite previous command when respown
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Remove set_current_step_as_max functions because they are moved to vehicle_ui
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add neck-p interface to joystick controller for vehicle task
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Speed down handling command: 0.05->0.025
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Do not set 0.0 command as max step
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add set_current_step_as_max function to vehicle_ui
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Modify teleop command in joystick controller for vehicle task
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Rename vehicle.launch to joy_vehicle.launch
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add neck_angle_max valiable
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add functions for look around to vehicle.launch
- Add brake command and modify accel command specification
- Add arguments to determine joystick dev path and namespace for ocs
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Adjsut command publish rate for vehicle
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Adjsut handle resolution and modify to publish topic constantly
- [jsk_teleop_joy] Add joystick program for vehicle
- remove DEV argument because it was removed from robot_trackball_head.launch
0.1.5 (2015-01-08)
- [joy_mouse] Use name of kensington mouse and remove dev file
[jsk_teleop_joy] Remove DEV argument
- add script to publish pose stamped with spacenav
- Fix poping-up cancel window by broadcasting canceled information
- add api to change successor
- Add text publishing when checking breakpoint
- Publish usage of footstep planner joy
- disable/enable head control with trackball buttons, move head joint continuously.
- Contributors: Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Yusuke Furuta
0.1.4 (2014-10-21)
- Merge pull request #112 from mmurooka/overwrite-write-command-in-midi-player
Overwrite writing command in
- overwrite writing command in
- add pr2_relay.launch
- publish joy topic only when midi state is changed.
- add feedback config to b-control.yaml
0.1.3 (2014-10-10)
- add
- add config file of b-control
- Add joystick interface for jsk_pcl_ros/EnvironmentPlaneModeling
- use scripts/ for general robot. implimented launch file for pr2 and hrp2
- Merge branch 'master' into select-menu-with-analog-stick
- autorepeat joy input
- check analog input
- remap tf
- test analog check
- get argument for set pose
0.1.2 (2014-09-08)
0.1.1 (2014-09-04)
- remap joint states and DEV
- add script to control head via trackball
- remove
- mvoe python scripts to parse state to src directory
- fix bag at first time
- update menu
- publish at 10hz
- set autorepeat rate
- use joy mux
- make JoyStatus class
- fix the menu when walking is canceled and update the pose from joy stick according
to the snapped pose availble by marker
- pop menu when cancel the footstep and support resuming from joystick
- cancel walking via joystick
- update diagnostics information about footstep planning and joy stick stuff
- compile euslisp file before running footstep planner
- circle button to move arm
- Merge branch 'master' into fix-jsk-interactive-marker-plugin
- remove jsk_interactive_marker.launch and integrate it to pr2.launch
- rewrite jsk_interactive_marker plugin to modern plugin style
- add plugin to show usage
- delete empty lines
- Merge branch 'master' into add-plugin-for-jsk-interactive-marker
- modify launch file
- jsk_teleop_joy depends on jsk_rviz_plugins
- update moveit teleop plugin to the latest change of moveit
- add center button to JoyStatus class and use center button
to choose menu
- add new plugin to relay and convert joy message to ps3
- add Relay plugin to jsk_teleop_joy
- use singleton class to maintain view point of rviz to have persistency
across several plugins
- show overlay menu on rviz to swtich plugins
- support multiple instances per one plugin class
- use diagnostic_updater package to generate diagnostic messages
rather than publish diagnostic_msgs directly
- optimize rviz animation smoother by joy stick controller
- support jsk_teleop_joy in robot-controller-sample.launch of jsk_ik_server
- publish the status of jsk_teleop_joy to /diagnostics.
decrease the number of the messages if the joy stick type is failed to
be estimated.
publish the status of the estimation to /diagnostics
- make interactive_midi_config available for hydro
- fix midi_config_player for groovy
- make midi_config_player available for hydro
- add button to control interactive marker
- transform PoseStamped when setting marker pose
- add method to set pose
- add method to change move arm
- use triangle button to send menu
- fix find -> find_module to detect catkin or rosbuild
- add config for padcontrol
- support groovy on all the plugins
- use imp module to decide use load_manifest or not
- send 'move' when circle button is pushed
- add dependancy on jsk_interactive_marker
- rename plugin scripts to avoid msg import bug
- add import statement
- use load_manifest on groovy
- use load_manifest on groovy
- add end effector controller interface
- JoyFootstepPlanner: publish execute if circle button is pushed
- JoyFootstepPlanner: reset goal pose if cross button is pushed
- determines the initial position of goal according to the specified frame_id and offset for the legs
- add to jsk_teleop_joy. it's a set of utitlity function for tf
- revert to use depend tag for view_controller_msgs
- write about select button
- write about how to implement plugin
- write about how to export the plugins
- update docs
- use upper case for MIDI
- add list of plugins
- update docs
- update docs
- add link to each script
- update some docs
- add document about
- add movie of interactive configuretion of midi device
- use english in
- fix style of ordered list
- #2: automatically detect the game controller type at joy_footstep.launch
use type=auto parameter
- #2: rename xbox.launch and xbox_footstep.launch to joy.launch and joy_footsetp.launch.
it support many game controllers now and the name did not match the current state.
- #2: detect ps3 wireless automatically
- #2: use auto mode as default
- #2: update document about ps3 bluetooth
- mv jsk_joy/ jsk_teleop_joy/
- rename jsk_joy -> jsk_telop_joy
- fix to use rosdep
- adding footstep planning demo plugin
- updating the parameters
- arg1 = topic name, arg2 = device name
- fix topic name
- install subdirectory into dist_package
- auto detecting xbox/ps3wired
- use joy_main as a wrapper of jsk_joy python library
- not use roslib.load_manifest if the distro is hydro
- installing launch file and so on
- catkinized jsk_joy package
- changed frame from base_link to odom
- added JoyGoPos for plugin.xml
- added for teleoperation locomotion command
- added gopos.launch for teleoperation locomotion command
- sample launch for marker_6dof
- tuned parameters to move camera
- adding moveit plugin for controlling moveit from gaming controllers
- launch file for pr2 moveit
- adding README
- adding configuration for launchpad mini
- adding output configuration to QuNeo
- supporting output of MIDI
- adding script to test output of midi devices
- mapping buttons automatically from axes
- update midi configuration
- script to verbose midi input
- not printing input
- adding nanokontrol2.yaml
- updating configuration file
- supporting 144/128 key event
- adding config file for icontrols pro
- adding scripts to configure midi device interactively
- changing joy footstep planner plugin to use footstep marker in jsk_interactive_marker
- adding interface to call footstep planning from game controllers
- adding verbose plugin for debugging and support wired ps3 controller
- add, touchpad and scene button supported
- adding sample to run xbox footstep plugin
- update orientation way to local
- supporting local z movement acoording to orientation
- adding manual footstep generator interface
- updating parameters of view rotation
- test pulibhs program for joystick, any joystick ok?
- supports to toggle follow view mode
- devided trackpoint joy publisher and status class to two files.
- added for KORG nanoPAD2
- updating some parameters
- supporting pitch and roll
- implementing jsk_joy as plugin system
- changed class name of nanokontrol status: NanoKONTROL2 -> NanoKONTROL2Status
- add convert data from Joy msg to nanoKONTROL class instance.
- support touchpad; auto-detect device id
- light turns on when button is pushed
- added device link URL of vestax_spin2
- added publish thinkpad trackpoint status as Joy.
- bugfix button type
- set execuable
- chnaged button index of akailpd8. set for PROG1 PAD mode.
- bugfix indent
- added URL of device web page for lanchpad
- add controller for vestax spin 2
- added
- added device URL link for nanokontrol
- add script to publish joy_message with launchpad mini
- deleted debug outpu in
- add rosdep name=python
- added for publishing nanoKONTROL2 input as Joy.
- update some parameters
- update some parameters
- using left analog to zoom in/out
- introducing new package: jsk_joy
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Masaki Murooka, Ryohei Ueda, Satoshi Iwaishi, Yuki Furuta, Yusuke Furuta, Shunichi Nozawa, Shintaro Noda, Youhei Kakiuchi