Changelog for package frame_editor
1.1.1 (2022-05-19)
- Bug fix: Empty frame list on noetic now gets displayed
- Add some more Python -> Python3 conversions
- Contributors: Martin Günther, Philipp Tenbrock
1.1.0 (2022-03-15)
- Added argparse option to change publishing rate
- frame_editor is now compatible to Python 3 (ROS Noetic)
- Use the previous file name and parent frame as defaults for save_yaml and the set_frame service
- Contributors: Daniel Bargmann, Martin Günther, Philipp Tenbrock
1.0.4 (2019-01-31)
- Query if to add frames or update the whole list
- Fixed static initialisation of tf broadcaster
- Show current file name in label instead of window title
- Disabled menu
- Add load and save yaml service
- remember last opened folder
- Contributors: Lorenz Halt, ipa-lth, ipa-pgt
1.0.3 (2018.05.15)
- namespacing ROS services
- wait for transform for 1 sec
- Contributors: Witalij Siebert, ipa-frn
1.0.2 (2017-09-27)
- Fix: import rospkg
Add rviz view to headless demo launch
- headless version
- during close, save_as proposes to save as current yaml
- added Duplicate Frame button
- Installing tags for frameeditor
- package.xml v2
- Ask for automatic mesh version path update if possible.
- fix legacy yaml loading, if you want to change to rospackages+path you have to reselect your mesh and save again
- Warning Widget if saved with absolute pathes
- resolve mesh pathes with rospackages if possible, fall back to absolute pathes if not possible.
- ugly qt5-slots workaround to make meshes and forms work
- Contributors: ipa-frn, ipa-lth, ipa-pgt