This is the complete list of members for vpROSRobot, including all inherited members.
_master_uri | vpROSRobot | protected |
_nodespace | vpROSRobot | protected |
_nsec | vpROSRobot | protected |
_sec | vpROSRobot | protected |
_topic_cmd | vpROSRobot | protected |
_topic_odom | vpROSRobot | protected |
cmdvel | vpROSRobot | protected |
displacement | vpROSRobot | protected |
get_eJe(vpMatrix &eJe) | vpROSRobot | inlineprivate |
get_fJe(vpMatrix &) | vpROSRobot | inlineprivate |
getArticularDisplacement(vpColVector &) | vpROSRobot | inlineprivate |
getCameraDisplacement(vpColVector &) | vpROSRobot | private |
getDisplacement(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType, vpColVector &) | vpROSRobot | |
getDisplacement(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType, vpColVector &, struct timespec ×tamp) | vpROSRobot | |
getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType, vpColVector &) | vpROSRobot | |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &velocity) | vpROSRobot | private |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame) | vpROSRobot | private |
init() | vpROSRobot | |
init(int argc, char **argv) | vpROSRobot | |
isInitialized | vpROSRobot | protected |
n | vpROSRobot | protected |
odom | vpROSRobot | protected |
odom_mutex | vpROSRobot | protected |
odomCallback(const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr &msg) | vpROSRobot | private |
p | vpROSRobot | protected |
pose_prev | vpROSRobot | protected |
q | vpROSRobot | protected |
setCmdVelTopic(std::string topic_name) | vpROSRobot | |
setMasterURI(std::string master_uri) | vpROSRobot | |
setNodespace(std::string nodespace) | vpROSRobot | |
setOdomTopic(std::string topic_name) | vpROSRobot | |
setPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType, const vpColVector &) | vpROSRobot | inlineprivate |
setVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &vel) | vpROSRobot | |
spinner | vpROSRobot | protected |
stopMotion() | vpROSRobot | |
vpROSRobot(const vpROSRobot &robot) | vpROSRobot | private |
vpROSRobot() | vpROSRobot | |
~vpROSRobot() | vpROSRobot | virtual |