LPPACKET | PacketAllocatePacket (void) |
VOID | PacketCloseAdapter (LPADAPTER lpAdapter) |
VOID | PacketFreePacket (LPPACKET lpPacket) |
BOOLEAN | PacketGetAdapterNames (PTSTR pStr, PULONG BufferSize) |
PAirpcapHandle | PacketGetAirPcapHandle (LPADAPTER AdapterObject) |
PCHAR | PacketGetDriverVersion () |
BOOLEAN | PacketGetNetInfoEx (PCHAR AdapterName, npf_if_addr *buffer, PLONG NEntries) |
BOOLEAN | PacketGetNetType (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, NetType *type) |
HANDLE | PacketGetReadEvent (LPADAPTER AdapterObject) |
BOOLEAN | PacketGetStats (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, struct bpf_stat *s) |
BOOLEAN | PacketGetStatsEx (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, struct bpf_stat *s) |
PCHAR | PacketGetVersion () |
VOID | PacketInitPacket (LPPACKET lpPacket, PVOID Buffer, UINT Length) |
BOOLEAN | PacketIsDumpEnded (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, BOOLEAN sync) |
LPADAPTER | PacketOpenAdapter (PCHAR AdapterName) |
BOOLEAN | PacketReceivePacket (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, LPPACKET lpPacket, BOOLEAN Sync) |
BOOLEAN | PacketRequest (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, BOOLEAN Set, PPACKET_OID_DATA OidData) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSendPacket (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, LPPACKET pPacket, BOOLEAN Sync) |
INT | PacketSendPackets (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, PVOID PacketBuff, ULONG Size, BOOLEAN Sync) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetBpf (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, struct bpf_program *fp) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetBuff (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, int dim) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetDumpLimits (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, UINT maxfilesize, UINT maxnpacks) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetDumpName (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, void *name, int len) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetHwFilter (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, ULONG Filter) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetLoopbackBehavior (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, UINT LoopbackBehavior) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetMinToCopy (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, int nbytes) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetMode (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, int mode) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetNumWrites (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, int nwrites) |
BOOLEAN | PacketSetReadTimeout (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, int timeout) |
INT | PacketSetSnapLen (LPADAPTER AdapterObject, int snaplen) |
BOOLEAN | PacketStartOem (PCHAR errorString, UINT errorStringLength) |
BOOLEAN | PacketStartOemEx (PCHAR errorString, UINT errorStringLength, ULONG flags) |
BOOL | PacketStopDriver () |
typedef struct _ADAPTER | ADAPTER |
| Describes an opened network adapter. More...
#define | ADAPTER_DESC_LENGTH 128 |
| Maximum length for the description of an adapter. The value is the same used by the IP Helper API. More...
#define | ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH 256 + 12 |
| Maximum length for the name of an adapter. The value is the same used by the IP Helper API. More...
#define | AIRPCAP_HANDLE__EAE405F5_0171_9592_B3C2_C19EC426AD34__DEFINED_ |
#define | DOSNAMEPREFIX TEXT("Packet_") |
| Prefix added to the adapters device names to create the WinPcap devices. More...
| Flag for ADAPTER_INFO: this is an airpcap card. More...
#define | INFO_FLAG_DAG_CARD 2 |
| Flag for ADAPTER_INFO: this is a DAG card. More...
#define | INFO_FLAG_DAG_FILE 6 |
| Flag for ADAPTER_INFO: this is a DAG file. More...
| Flag for ADAPTER_INFO: when this flag is set, the adapter will not be listed or openend by winpcap. This allows to prevent exporting broken network adapters, like for example FireWire ones. More...
| Flag for ADAPTER_INFO: this is a traditional ndis adapter. More...
| Flag for ADAPTER_INFO: this is a NdisWan adapter, and it's managed by WANPACKET. More...
typedef struct _ADAPTER * | LPADAPTER |
typedef struct _PACKET * | LPPACKET |
#define | MAX_LINK_NAME_LENGTH 64 |
#define | MAX_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH 8 |
| Maximum length for the link layer address of an adapter. The value is the same used by the IP Helper API. More...
| Maximum length for the link layer address of an adapter. The value is the same used by the IP Helper API. More...
#define | NdisMediumBare80211 -4 |
| Custom linktype: NDIS doesn't provide an equivalent. More...
#define | NdisMediumCHDLC -2 |
| Custom linktype: NDIS doesn't provide an equivalent. More...
#define | NdisMediumNull -1 |
| Custom linktype: NDIS doesn't provide an equivalent. More...
#define | NdisMediumPpi -6 |
| Custom linktype: NDIS doesn't provide an equivalent. More...
#define | NdisMediumPPPSerial -3 |
| Custom linktype: NDIS doesn't provide an equivalent. More...
#define | NdisMediumRadio80211 -5 |
| Custom linktype: NDIS doesn't provide an equivalent. More...
typedef struct NetType | NetType |
| Network type structure. More...
#define | NMAX_PACKET 65535 |
| Drop the packets sent by the NPF driver. More...
| Capture the packets sent by the NPF driver. More...
typedef struct npf_if_addr | npf_if_addr |
| Addresses of a network adapter. More...
typedef struct _PACKET | PACKET |
| Structure that contains a group of packets coming from the driver. More...
#define | Packet_ALIGNMENT sizeof(int) |
| Alignment macro. Defines the alignment size. More...
#define | PACKET_MODE_CAPT 0x0 |
| Capture mode. More...
#define | PACKET_MODE_DUMP 0x10 |
| Dump mode. More...
#define | PACKET_MODE_MON 0x2 |
| Monitoring mode. More...
#define | PACKET_MODE_STAT 0x1 |
| Statistical mode. More...
| Statistical dump Mode. More...
#define | Packet_WORDALIGN(x) (((x)+(Packet_ALIGNMENT-1))&~(Packet_ALIGNMENT-1)) |
| Alignment macro. Rounds up to the next even multiple of Packet_ALIGNMENT. More...
typedef struct _AirpcapHandle * | PAirpcapHandle |
typedef struct _PACKET_OID_DATA * | PPACKET_OID_DATA |
| Describes an opened wan (dialup, VPN...) network adapter using the NetMon API. More...
typedef struct WAN_ADAPTER_INT | WAN_ADAPTER |
| Describes an opened wan (dialup, VPN...) network adapter using the NetMon API. More...