Changelog for package leo_example_object_detection
0.1.1 (2022-11-22)
- object_detection: object_detector: changed compression format of image_compressed to jpeg
- fixed grammar errors in package.xml descriptions for object_detection and line_follower packages
- Contributors: Aleksander Szymański
0.1.0 (2022-05-26)
- Object Detection example (#2)
* initial commit with base functionalities of the node
* switched use of hardcoded input img shape, to getting the shape from loaded model params
* added prinitng confidence next to detection label, and fixed bugs with getting input shape
* remove debug prints
* added specific colors for specific labels, both configurable in label_colors.yaml file
* drawing boxes on the unscalled image - added methods for scaling coordinates of the boxes
* fixed color channels, and made labels bigger
* used easier formula for translating bounding box coordinates
* implemented guidlines from code review
* package.xml: changed package author
* detector.launch: added ros argument for chosing file with color definitions for labels
* moved redundant lines outisde try-catch statement
- Contributors: Aleksander Szymański