Changelog for package thormang3_gripper_module
0.2.0 (2018-03-27)
- modified build option and dependencies configuration
- modified cmake & package setting for yaml-cpp
- changed depend pkg for catkin dependencies and package.xml format to v2
- changed include path for dependencies and license to Apache v2
- Contributors: SCH, Pyo
0.1.3 (2017-05-23)
- updated cmake file for ros install
- Contributors: SCH
0.1.2 (2017-04-24)
- gripper done msg added
- manipulation & gripper module clean up
- wholebody modified
- wholebody inipose added
- update thormang3_head_control_module : scan lidar using range
- wholebody update
- gripper debug
- gripper module added
- wholebody added
- Contributors: Jay Song, Zerom, Kayman, SCH