Changelog for package hector_object_tracker
0.3.4 (2016-06-24)
- Use the FindEigen3.cmake module provided by Eigen
- Contributors: Johannes Meyer
0.3.3 (2015-11-10)
- added barrels to launch file
- changed max height to 0.2
- Reduce max height
- changed min height for target
- -Update sick robot day 2014 params
- -Rename launch file
- -Change settings for SRD2014
- launch file for turtlebot added
- Contributors: Christian Rose, Dorothea Koert, Stefan Kohlbrecher
0.3.2 (2014-09-06)
- generalized min_distance_between_objects check for confirmed objects
- removed object class dependent code from the implementation part
- added cmake_modules dependency for the Eigen cmake config
- do no longer model victims twice if they were already confirmed
- set octomap_distance_warnings to ROS_DEBUG
- fixed qrcode mapping
- orientation of objects is now considered and filtered (optional)
- fixed publishing of not populized objects
- Contributors: Alexander Stumpf, Dorothea Koert, Johannes Meyer, Stefan Kohlbrecher
0.3.0 (2013-09-03)
- catkinized stack hector_worldmodel