Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cswarmio::tool::CommandParser for commands of the default form
 Cros::message_traits::DataType< swarmros::introspection::Message >Trait to retreive the full data type of the message
 Cros::message_traits::DataType< swarmros::bridge::EventMessage >Trait to retreive the full data type of the message
 Cros::message_traits::DataType< swarmros::introspection::VariantMessage >Trait to retreive the full data type of the message
 Cswarmros::bridge::DebugSinkA sink for g3log that forwards messages to the standard ROS logging mechanism
 Cros::message_traits::Definition< swarmros::introspection::Message >Trait to retreive the definition of an Message instance
 Cros::message_traits::Definition< swarmros::bridge::EventMessage >Trait to retreive the definition of an Message instance
 Cros::message_traits::Definition< swarmros::introspection::VariantMessage >Trait to retreive the definition of an Message instance
 Cswarmio::services::discovery::DiscoverableInterface for discoverable services
 Cswarmio::services::event::ServiceThe Event service is responsible for triggering, handling and monitoring events
 Cswarmio::services::keyvalue::ServiceThe Key-Value Service is responsible for getting and setting named values
 Cswarmio::services::ping::ServicePing Service dispatches and responds to ping requests, and measures the time between the request and the response
 Cswarmio::services::telemetry::ServiceTelemetry Service can subscribe to receive updates from remote nodes on named values
 Cswarmio::EndpointAbstract base class for Endpoint implementations
 Cswarmio::transport::BasicEndpointAn helper class for Endpoint implementations which implements some common basic functionality
 Cswarmio::transport::zyre::ZyreEndpointAn Endpoint implementation using the Zyre protocol
 Cswarmio::ExceptionException class thrown by all library classes
 Cswarmros::ExceptionException base class for swarmros exceptions
 Cswarmio::services::event::HandlerAbstract base class for Event handlers
 Cswarmio::simulator::FauxEventHandlerA special event handler that serves discovery information and ignores the event itself
 Cswarmros::bridge::EventPublisherA Handler implementation that publishes events from the swarm to a ROS topic
 Cswarmio::data::HelperThis Helper class contains commonly used function to manipulate protobuf objects
 Cswarmio::simulator::LinearPathTelemetrySimulatorSimulates linear back-and-forth movement between two points
 Cswarmio::MailboxAbstract base class for Mailbox implementations
 Cswarmio::services::Awaiter< bool >
 Cswarmio::services::ErrorAwaiterAn Awaiter that checks whether the operation was a success
 Cswarmio::services::Awaiter< data::discovery::Response >
 Cswarmio::services::discovery::DiscoveryAwaiterAn Awaiter that returns discovery data on a remote node
 Cswarmio::services::Awaiter< data::telemetry::Update >
 Cswarmio::services::telemetry::UpdateAwaiterAn Awaiter that has a longer lifetime and is updated periodically
 Cswarmio::services::Awaiter< data::Variant >
 Cswarmio::services::keyvalue::ValueAwaiterAn Awaiter that returns the requested value
 Cswarmio::services::Awaiter< std::chrono::nanoseconds >
 Cswarmio::services::ping::TimingAwaiterAn Awaiter that returns the roundtrip time of the Echo message
 Cswarmio::profiles::ProfileBase class for profiles
 Cswarmio::profiles::ClientProfileService profile for non-member clients
 Cswarmio::profiles::MemberProfileService profile for swarm members
 Cswarmio::services::Awaiter< T >A special mailbox that handles responses to a message
 Cswarmio::services::discovery::ServiceThe Discovery Service makes it possible to query remote nodes for services
 Cswarmio::services::event::ServiceThe Event service is responsible for triggering, handling and monitoring events
 Cswarmio::services::keyvalue::ServiceThe Key-Value Service is responsible for getting and setting named values
 Cswarmio::services::PeriodicServiceA service that uses a periodic background worker to perform its work
 Cswarmio::services::telemetry::ServiceTelemetry Service can subscribe to receive updates from remote nodes on named values
 Cswarmio::services::ping::ServicePing Service dispatches and responds to ping requests, and measures the time between the request and the response
 CMD5_CTXMD5 context
 Cros::message_traits::MD5Sum< swarmros::introspection::Message >Trait to accept messages with any MD5 sum and to calcualte the MD5 sum of outgoing messages
 Cros::message_traits::MD5Sum< swarmros::bridge::EventMessage >Trait to accept messages with any MD5 sum and to calcualte the MD5 sum of outgoing messages
 Cros::message_traits::MD5Sum< swarmros::introspection::VariantMessage >Trait to accept messages with any MD5 sum and to calcualte the MD5 sum of outgoing messages
 Cswarmros::introspection::MessageMessage is the base class for message types supported by the introspection library
 Cswarmros::bridge::EventMessageEventMessage implements an interface with the ROS type system to send and receive events
 Cswarmros::introspection::VariantMessageVariantMessage implements an interface with the ROS type system to send and receive messages of any known type
 Cswarmio::NodeRepresents a Node the Endpoint knows about and can send messages to
 Cswarmio::transport::BasicNodeA simple Node with a UUID
 Cswarmio::transport::zyre::ZyreNodeA Node as discovered by the Zyre protocol
 Cswarmio::services::discovery::ObserverInterface for discovery observers
 Cswarmio::profiles::ClientProfileService profile for non-member clients
 Cswarmio::services::telemetry::ObserverInterface for discovery observers
 Cros::serialization::PreDeserialize< swarmros::bridge::EventMessage >Trait to set up callbacks before deserialization of an EventMessage
 Cros::serialization::PreDeserialize< swarmros::introspection::VariantMessage >Trait to set up callbacks before deserialization of an VariantMessage
 Cswarmros::bridge::PylonBase class for all bridging services
 Cswarmros::bridge::EventForwarderA ROS topic subscriber that bridges events from ROS topics to the swarm
 Cswarmros::bridge::EventPublisherA Handler implementation that publishes events from the swarm to a ROS topic
 Cswarmros::bridge::ParameterTargetA Target implementation that uses the ROS parameter server
 Cswarmros::bridge::ParameterPublisherAn extension of ParameterTarget that publishes updates as custom messages
 Cswarmros::bridge::TelemetryForwarderA ROS topic subscriber that bridges telemetry data to ROS topics
 Cswarmros::introspection::SerializerSerializer is the base class for all binary message interpreters
 Cswarmros::introspection::FieldA Field represents an entry in a message reader that can read one of its fields
 Cswarmros::introspection::ArrayFieldField for dynamic arrays
 Cswarmros::introspection::ConstantFieldField for constant values
 Cswarmros::introspection::MessageSerializerSerializer for full-fledged message types
 Cswarmros::introspection::PrimitiveSerializerSerializer for primitive builtin types
 Cros::serialization::Serializer< swarmros::bridge::EventMessage >Trait to perform the serialization and deserialization of an EventMessage instance
 Cros::serialization::Serializer< swarmros::introspection::Message >Trait to perform the serialization and deserialization of a Message instance - incomplete, actual implementation must call this first to detect the message header then do its own extraction
 Cros::serialization::Serializer< swarmros::introspection::VariantMessage >Trait to perform the serialization and deserialization of an VariantMessage instance
 Cswarmio::simulator::SimulatedLocationA location described by a latitude, a longitude and an altitude
 Cswarmio::services::keyvalue::TargetAbstract base class for registered keys
 Cswarmio::simulator::InMemoryParameterA strongly typed in-memory parameter target that can be made read-only
 Cswarmros::bridge::ParameterTargetA Target implementation that uses the ROS parameter server
 Cswarmio::services::telemetry::TrackerTelemetry Service can subscribe to receive updates from remote nodes on named values
 Cros::message_traits::TrueType [external]
 Cros::message_traits::IsMessage< const swarmros::introspection::Message >Trait to mark const Message as a message
 Cros::message_traits::IsMessage< const swarmros::bridge::EventMessage >Trait to mark const Message as a message
 Cros::message_traits::IsMessage< const swarmros::introspection::VariantMessage >Trait to mark const Message as a message
 Cros::message_traits::IsMessage< swarmros::introspection::Message >Trait to mark Message as a message
 Cros::message_traits::IsMessage< swarmros::bridge::EventMessage >Trait to mark Message as a message
 Cros::message_traits::IsMessage< swarmros::introspection::VariantMessage >Trait to mark Message as a message
 Cswarmio::transport::zyre::ZyreControlSocketAn inproc socket bound to a special name generated from an object pointer

autogenerated on Fri Apr 3 2020 03:42:48