Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CDiffDriveBaseControllerROS-aware controller to manage a differential drive mobile base. This subcribes to cmd_vel topic, publishes odom and tf, and manages the two wheel joints
 CFollowJointTrajectoryControllerThis ROS interface implements a FollowJointTrajectoryAction interface for controlling (primarily) robot arms
 CGravityCompensationController which uses KDL to compute torque needed for static holding of the chain at the current pose
 CParallelGripperControllerController for a parallel jaw gripper, is really only intended for use in simulation
 CScaledMimicControllerController for a having one joint be a (scaled) mimic of another. Primary design use case is making a fake bellows joint that moves in relation to a torso lift joint
 CSplineTrajectorySamplerSampler that uses splines
 CTrajectoryPointBasis for a Trajectory Point
 CTrajectorySamplerBase class for samplers of trajectories

Author(s): Michael Ferguson
autogenerated on Sun Sep 27 2020 03:22:39