ImDrawList Member List

This is the complete list of members for ImDrawList, including all inherited members.

AddBezierCurve(const ImVec2 &pos0, const ImVec2 &cp0, const ImVec2 &cp1, const ImVec2 &pos1, ImU32 col, float thickness, int num_segments=0)ImDrawList
AddCallback(ImDrawCallback callback, void *callback_data)ImDrawList
AddCircle(const ImVec2 &centre, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments=12, float thickness=1.0f)ImDrawList
AddCircleFilled(const ImVec2 &centre, float radius, ImU32 col, int num_segments=12)ImDrawList
AddConvexPolyFilled(const ImVec2 *points, const int num_points, ImU32 col, bool anti_aliased)ImDrawList
AddImage(ImTextureID user_texture_id, const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, const ImVec2 &uv0=ImVec2(0, 0), const ImVec2 &uv1=ImVec2(1, 1), ImU32 col=0xFFFFFFFF)ImDrawList
AddLine(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, ImU32 col, float thickness=1.0f)ImDrawList
AddPolyline(const ImVec2 *points, const int num_points, ImU32 col, bool closed, float thickness, bool anti_aliased)ImDrawList
AddQuad(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, const ImVec2 &c, const ImVec2 &d, ImU32 col, float thickness=1.0f)ImDrawList
AddQuadFilled(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, const ImVec2 &c, const ImVec2 &d, ImU32 col)ImDrawList
AddRect(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, ImU32 col, float rounding=0.0f, int rounding_corners=0x0F, float thickness=1.0f)ImDrawList
AddRectFilled(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, ImU32 col, float rounding=0.0f, int rounding_corners=0x0F)ImDrawList
AddRectFilledMultiColor(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, ImU32 col_upr_left, ImU32 col_upr_right, ImU32 col_bot_right, ImU32 col_bot_left)ImDrawList
AddText(const ImVec2 &pos, ImU32 col, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end=NULL)ImDrawList
AddText(const ImFont *font, float font_size, const ImVec2 &pos, ImU32 col, const char *text_begin, const char *text_end=NULL, float wrap_width=0.0f, const ImVec4 *cpu_fine_clip_rect=NULL)ImDrawList
AddTriangle(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, const ImVec2 &c, ImU32 col, float thickness=1.0f)ImDrawList
AddTriangleFilled(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, const ImVec2 &c, ImU32 col)ImDrawList
ChannelsSetCurrent(int channel_index)ImDrawList
ChannelsSplit(int channels_count)ImDrawList
PathArcTo(const ImVec2 &centre, float radius, float a_min, float a_max, int num_segments=10)ImDrawList
PathArcToFast(const ImVec2 &centre, float radius, int a_min_of_12, int a_max_of_12)ImDrawList
PathBezierCurveTo(const ImVec2 &p1, const ImVec2 &p2, const ImVec2 &p3, int num_segments=0)ImDrawList
PathFill(ImU32 col)ImDrawListinline
PathLineTo(const ImVec2 &pos)ImDrawListinline
PathLineToMergeDuplicate(const ImVec2 &pos)ImDrawListinline
PathRect(const ImVec2 &rect_min, const ImVec2 &rect_max, float rounding=0.0f, int rounding_corners=0x0F)ImDrawList
PathStroke(ImU32 col, bool closed, float thickness=1.0f)ImDrawListinline
PrimQuadUV(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, const ImVec2 &c, const ImVec2 &d, const ImVec2 &uv_a, const ImVec2 &uv_b, const ImVec2 &uv_c, const ImVec2 &uv_d, ImU32 col)ImDrawList
PrimRect(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, ImU32 col)ImDrawList
PrimRectUV(const ImVec2 &a, const ImVec2 &b, const ImVec2 &uv_a, const ImVec2 &uv_b, ImU32 col)ImDrawList
PrimReserve(int idx_count, int vtx_count)ImDrawList
PrimVtx(const ImVec2 &pos, const ImVec2 &uv, ImU32 col)ImDrawListinline
PrimWriteIdx(ImDrawIdx idx)ImDrawListinline
PrimWriteVtx(const ImVec2 &pos, const ImVec2 &uv, ImU32 col)ImDrawListinline
PushClipRect(ImVec2 clip_rect_min, ImVec2 clip_rect_max, bool intersect_with_current_clip_rect=false)ImDrawList
PushTextureID(const ImTextureID &texture_id)ImDrawList

Author(s): Sergey Dorodnicov , Doron Hirshberg , Mark Horn , Reagan Lopez , Itay Carpis
autogenerated on Mon May 3 2021 02:50:32