JSK Common Tools ################ Reboot programs according to roscore aliveness ---------------------------------------------- Please use jsk_tools/roscore_regardless.py .. code-block:: rosrun jsk_tools roscore_regardless.py your-awesome-program For example, .. code-block:: rosrun jsk_tools roscore_regardless.py roslaunch robot_pkg robot.launch Auto roslaunch documentation ---------------------------- In order to enable the launch doc generator, have to add the following to each ROS package: 1. a **rosdoc.yaml** file including: .. code-block:: yaml - builder: sphinx name: roslaunch scripts 2. in **manifest.xml**: .. code-block:: xml 3. in **CMakeLists.txt**: .. code-block:: cmake rosbuild_find_ros_package("jsk_tools") execute_process(COMMAND cmake -E chdir ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR} python ${jsk_tools_PACKAGE_PATH}/bin/launchdoc-generator.py ${PROJECT_NAME} --output_dir=. --nomakefile RESULT_VARIABLE _make_failed) 4. Because of current ROS limitations, make sure to add the generated files inside your local repository! It seems that the ros.org servers cannot run the **-builder: rosmake** command to generate this file: .. code-block:: bash svn add index.rst conf.py