object_api< Derived > Member List

This is the complete list of members for object_api< Derived >, including all inherited members.

attr(handle key) const object_api< Derived >
attr(const char *key) const object_api< Derived >
begin() const object_api< Derived >
contains(T &&item) const object_api< Derived >
derived() const object_api< Derived >inlineprivate
doc() const object_api< Derived >
end() const object_api< Derived >
equal(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >inline
is(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >inline
is_none() const object_api< Derived >inline
not_equal(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >inline
operator&(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator&=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator()(Args &&...args) const object_api< Derived >
operator*() const object_api< Derived >
operator*(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator*=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator+(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator+=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator-() const object_api< Derived >
operator-(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator-=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator/(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator/=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator<(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >inline
operator<<(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator<<=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator<=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >inline
operator>(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >inline
operator>=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >inline
operator>>(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator>>=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator[](handle key) const object_api< Derived >
operator[](const char *key) const object_api< Derived >
operator^(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator^=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator|(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator|=(object_api const &other) const object_api< Derived >
operator~() const object_api< Derived >
PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("call(...) was deprecated in favor of operator()(...)") object call(Args &&...args) const object_api< Derived >
PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Call py::type::handle_of(h) or py::type::of(h) instead of h.get_type()") handle get_type() const object_api< Derived >
ref_count() const object_api< Derived >inline
rich_compare(object_api const &other, int value) const object_api< Derived >private
str() const object_api< Derived >

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:51:48