gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >, including all inherited members.

Base typedefgtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >private
between(const ProductLieGroup &g) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
between(const ProductLieGroup &other, ChartJacobian H1, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IsLieGroup< G >))gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >private
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((IsLieGroup< H >))gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >private
ChartJacobian typedefgtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >
compose(const ProductLieGroup &g) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
compose(const ProductLieGroup &other, ChartJacobian H1, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
Dim()gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inlinestatic
dim() const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
dimension enum valuegtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >
dimension1 enum valuegtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >protected
dimension2 enum valuegtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >protected
Expmap(const TangentVector &v, ChartJacobian Hv=boost::none)gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inlinestatic
expmap(const TangentVector &v) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
group_flavor typedefgtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >
identity()gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inlinestatic
inverse() const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
inverse(ChartJacobian D) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
Jacobian typedefgtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >protected
Jacobian1 typedefgtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >protected
Jacobian2 typedefgtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >protected
LocalCoordinates(const ProductLieGroup &p, ChartJacobian Hp=boost::none)gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inlinestatic
localCoordinates(const ProductLieGroup &g, ChartJacobian H1=boost::none, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
logmap(const ProductLieGroup &g) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
Logmap(const ProductLieGroup &p, ChartJacobian Hp=boost::none)gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inlinestatic
operator*(const ProductLieGroup &other) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
ProductLieGroup()gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
ProductLieGroup(const G &g, const H &h)gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
ProductLieGroup(const Base &base)gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
retract(const TangentVector &v, ChartJacobian H1=boost::none, ChartJacobian H2=boost::none) const gtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >inline
TangentVector typedefgtsam::ProductLieGroup< G, H >

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:58:25