array_t< T, ExtraFlags > Member List

This is the complete list of members for array_t< T, ExtraFlags >, including all inherited members.

array(const pybind11::dtype &dt, ShapeContainer shape, StridesContainer strides, const void *ptr=nullptr, handle base=handle())arrayinline
array(const pybind11::dtype &dt, ShapeContainer shape, const void *ptr=nullptr, handle base=handle())arrayinline
array(const pybind11::dtype &dt, T count, const void *ptr=nullptr, handle base=handle())arrayinline
array(ShapeContainer shape, StridesContainer strides, const T *ptr, handle base=handle())arrayinline
array(ShapeContainer shape, const T *ptr, handle base=handle())arrayinline
array(ssize_t count, const T *ptr, handle base=handle())arrayinlineexplicit
array(const buffer_info &info, handle base=handle())arrayinlineexplicit
array_t(private_ctor, ShapeContainer &&shape, StridesContainer &&strides, const T *ptr, handle base)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inlineprivate
array_t()array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
array_t(handle h, borrowed_t)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
array_t(handle h, stolen_t)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
array_t(handle h, bool is_borrowed)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
array_t(const object &o)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
array_t(const buffer_info &info, handle base=handle())array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inlineexplicit
array_t(ShapeContainer shape, StridesContainer strides, const T *ptr=nullptr, handle base=handle())array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
array_t(ShapeContainer shape, const T *ptr=nullptr, handle base=handle())array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inlineexplicit
array_t(ssize_t count, const T *ptr=nullptr, handle base=handle())array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inlineexplicit
at(Ix...index) const array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
base() const arrayinline
byte_offset(Ix...index) const arrayinlineprotected
c_strides(const std::vector< ssize_t > &shape, ssize_t itemsize)arrayinlineprotectedstatic
c_style enum valuearray
cast() const &object
cast() const &objectinline
check() const handleinline
check_(handle h)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inlinestatic
check_dimensions(Ix...index) const arrayinlineprotected
check_dimensions_impl(ssize_t, const ssize_t *) const arrayinlineprotected
check_dimensions_impl(ssize_t axis, const ssize_t *shape, ssize_t i, Ix...index) const arrayinlineprotected
check_writeable() const arrayinlineprotected
data(Ix...index) const array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
dec_ref() const &handleinline
dtype() const arrayinline
ensure(handle h)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inlinestatic
array::ensure(handle h, int ExtraFlags=0)arrayinlinestatic
f_strides(const std::vector< ssize_t > &shape, ssize_t itemsize)arrayinlineprotectedstatic
f_style enum valuearray
fail_dim_check(ssize_t dim, const std::string &msg) const arrayinlineprotected
flags() const arrayinline
forcecast enum valuearray
handle(PyObject *ptr)handleinline
inc_ref() const &handleinline
index_at(Ix...index) const array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
itemsize() const array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
mutable_at(Ix...index)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
mutable_data(Ix...index)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
mutable_unchecked()&array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
nbytes() const arrayinline
ndim() const arrayinline
object(const object &o)objectinline
object(object &&other) noexceptobjectinline
object(handle h, borrowed_t)objectinline
object(handle h, stolen_t)objectinline
offset_at(Ix...index) const arrayinline
offset_at() const arrayinline
operator bool() const handleinlineexplicit
operator!=(const handle &h) const handleinline
operator=(const object &other)objectinline
operator=(object &&other) noexceptobjectinline
operator==(const handle &h) const handleinline
owndata() const arrayinline
ptr() const handleinline
PYBIND11_DEPRECATED("Use reinterpret_borrow<object>() or reinterpret_steal<object>()") object(handle hobject
raw_array(PyObject *ptr, int ExtraFlags=0)arrayinlineprotectedstatic
raw_array_t(PyObject *ptr)array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inlineprotectedstatic
request(bool writable=false) const bufferinline
resize(ShapeContainer new_shape, bool refcheck=true)arrayinline
shape() const arrayinline
shape(ssize_t dim) const arrayinline
ShapeContainer typedefarray
size() const arrayinline
strides() const arrayinline
strides(ssize_t dim) const arrayinline
StridesContainer typedefarray
unchecked() const &array_t< T, ExtraFlags >inline
value_type typedefarray_t< T, ExtraFlags >
writeable() const arrayinline

autogenerated on Sat May 8 2021 02:51:44