gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real > Member List

This is the complete list of members for gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >, including all inherited members.

ComputeDerivative(Real const *slope) const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
Construct(Polynomial &poly, Real const F[2][2][2], Real const FX[2][2][2], Real const FY[2][2][2], Real const FZ[2][2][2], Real const FXY[2][2][2], Real const FXZ[2][2][2], Real const FYZ[2][2][2], Real const FXYZ[2][2][2])gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetF() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetFX(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > &FX)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetFXY(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > &FXY)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetFXYZ(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > &FXYZ)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetFXZ(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > &FXZ)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetFY(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > &FY)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetFYZ(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > &FYZ)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetFZ(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > &FZ)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetPolynomials(Array3< Real > const &F, Array3< Real > const &FX, Array3< Real > const &FY, Array3< Real > const &FZ, Array3< Real > const &FXY, Array3< Real > const &FXZ, Array3< Real > const &FYZ, Array3< Real > const &FXYZ)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
GetQuantity() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetXBound() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetXMax() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetXMin() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetXSpacing() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetYBound() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetYMax() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetYMin() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetYSpacing() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetZBound() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetZMax() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetZMin() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
GetZSpacing() const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >inline
IntpAkimaUniform3(int xBound, int yBound, int zBound, Real xMin, Real xSpacing, Real yMin, Real ySpacing, Real zMin, Real zSpacing, Real const *F)gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >
mFgte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mPolygte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mQuantitygte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mXBoundgte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mXMaxgte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mXMingte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mXSpacinggte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mYBoundgte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mYMaxgte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mYMingte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mYSpacinggte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mZBoundgte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mZMaxgte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mZMingte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
mZSpacinggte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
operator()(Real x, Real y, Real z) const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >
operator()(int xOrder, int yOrder, int zOrder, Real x, Real y, Real z) const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >
XLookup(Real x, int &xIndex, Real &dx) const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
YLookup(Real y, int &yIndex, Real &dy) const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
ZLookup(Real z, int &zIndex, Real &dz) const gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >private
~IntpAkimaUniform3()gte::IntpAkimaUniform3< Real >

Author(s): Yijiang Huang
autogenerated on Thu Jul 18 2019 04:00:06