Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cdlux_global_planner::PotentialCalculator [external]
 Cdlux_plugins::AStarPotential calculator that explores using a distance heuristic (A*) but not the kernel function
 Cdlux_plugins::DijkstraPotential calculator that explores the potential breadth first while using the kernel function
 Cdlux_plugins::AStar::QueueEntryHelper Class for sorting indexes by their heuristic
 Cdlux_plugins::AStar::QueueEntryComparatorComparator for sorting the QueueEntrys
 Cdlux_global_planner::Traceback [external]
 Cdlux_plugins::GradientPathTraceback function that creates a smooth gradient from the start to the goal
 Cdlux_plugins::GridPathTraceback function that moves from cell to cell using any of the eight neighbors
 Cdlux_plugins::VonNeumannPathTraceback function that moves from cell to cell using only the four neighbors

autogenerated on Sun Jan 10 2021 04:08:54