Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 Ccompare_edgeA struct that provides the comparison of edge objects. It allows sorting of edges for priority queues. The sorting follows three rules: First, edges are sorted by ascending cost. Edges with the same cost are sorted preferring horizontal/vertical edges. Edges with same cost and orientation are sorted ascending by vertical/horizontal position
 CedgeA class for representing edges
 Chash_edgeA struct that provides the hash function of edge objects
 Cmst_pathAn class to compute the coverage path based on a minimum-spanning-tree (MST)
 Cspanning_treeA class that generates a minimum-spanning-tree (MST) graph for a given grid map

Author(s): Micha Sende
autogenerated on Tue Jan 19 2021 03:30:03