
This is a ROS service definition.


# A 6d pose that defines the force frame. Must be static relative to the robot's base frame.
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped task_frame

# 1 means that the robot will be compliant in the corresponding axis of the task frame
bool selection_vector_x 0 
bool selection_vector_y 0
bool selection_vector_z 0
bool selection_vector_rx 0
bool selection_vector_ry 0
bool selection_vector_rz 0

# The forces/torques the robot will apply to its environment. For geometric interpretation, please
# see parameter `type`
geometry_msgs/Wrench wrench

# An integer [1;3] specifying how the robot interprets the force frame
# 1: The force frame is transformed in a way such that its y-axis is aligned with a vector pointing
#    from the robot tcp towards the origin of the force frame.
# 2: The force frame is not transformed.
# 3: The force frame is transformed in a way such that its x-axis is the projection of the robot tcp
#     velocity vector onto the x-y plane of the force frame.
uint8 type 2
# Type constants:

# Maximum allowed tcp speed (relative to the task frame).
# PLEASE NOTE: This is only relevant for axes marked as compliant in the selection_vector
geometry_msgs/Twist speed_limits

# For non-compliant axes, these values are the maximum allowed deviation along/about an axis
# between the actual tcp position and the one set by the program.
float32[6] deviation_limits [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01]

# Force mode damping factor. Sets the damping parameter in force mode. In range [0;1], default value is 0.025
# A value of 1 is full damping, so the robot will decelerate quickly if no force is present. A value of 0
# is no damping, here the robot will maintain the speed.
float32 damping_factor 0.025

# Force mode gain scaling factor. Scales the gain in force mode. scaling parameter is in range [0;2], default is 0.5. 
# A value larger than 1 can make force mode unstable, e.g. in case of collisions or pushing against hard surfaces.
float32 gain_scaling 0.5
bool success