Struct rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__MessageMembers_s

Struct Documentation

struct rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__MessageMembers_s

Structure used to describe all fields of a single interface type.

Public Members

const char *message_namespace_

The namespace in which the interface resides, e.g. “example_messages__msg” for example_messages/msg

const char *message_name_

The name of the interface, e.g. “Int16”.

uint32_t member_count_

The number of fields in the interface.

size_t size_of_

The size of the interface structure in memory.

bool has_any_key_member_

A boolean value indicating if there are any members annotated as @key in the structure.

const rosidl_typesupport_introspection_c__MessageMember *members_

A pointer to the array that describes each field of the interface.

void (*init_function)(void*, enum rosidl_runtime_c__message_initialization)

The function used to initialise the interface’s in-memory representation.

void (*fini_function)(void*)

The function used to clean up the interface’s in-memory representation.