This document is a declaration of software quality for the rosidl_default_runtime package, based on the guidelines in REP-2004.

rosidl_default_runtime Quality Declaration

The package rosidl_default_runtime claims to be in the Quality Level 1 category as long as it is used with a Quality Level 1 middleware.

Below are the rationales, notes, and caveats for this claim, organized by each requirement listed in the Package Requirements for Quality Level 2 in REP-2004.

Version Policy [1]

Version Scheme [1.i]

rosidl_default_runtime uses semver according to the recommendation for ROS Core packages in the ROS 2 Developer Guide.

Version Stability [1.ii]

rosidl_default_runtime is at a stable version i.e. >= 1.0.0. The current version can be found in its package.xml, and its change history can be found in its CHANGELOG.

Public API Declaration [1.iii]

rosidl_default_runtime does not provide any public API of its own.

API Stability Within a Released ROS Distribution [1.iv]/[]

rosidl_default_runtime does not provide its own API and therefore API stability will not be impacted by changes.

ABI Stability Within a Released ROS Distribution [1.v]/[]

rosidl_default_runtime does not contain any C or C++ code, therefore changes will not affect ABI stability.

Change Control Process [2]

rosidl_default_runtime follows the recommended guidelines for ROS Core packages in the ROS 2 Developer Guide.

Change Requests [2.i]

All changes will occur through a pull request, check ROS 2 Developer Guide for additional information.

Contributor Origin [2.ii]

This package uses DCO as its confirmation of contributor origin policy. More information can be found in CONTRIBUTING.

Peer Review Policy [2.iii]

Following the recommended guidelines for ROS Core packages, all pull requests must have at least 1 peer review.

Continuous Integration [2.iv]

All pull request must pass CI on all tier 1 platforms

Documentation Policy [2.v]

All pull requests must resolve related documentation changes before merging.

Documentation [3]

Feature Documentation [3.i]

rosidl_default_runtime does not currently have its own features.

Public API Documentation [3.ii]

rosidl_default_runtime does not have a public API and therefore does not require API documentation.

License [3.iii]

The license for rosidl_default_runtime is Apache 2.0, the type is declared in the package.xml manifest file, and a full copy of the license is in the LICENSE file.

There are no source files in this package and therefore linters do not check for a license statement.

Testing [4]

rosidl_default_runtime is a package providing solely CMake files and therefore does not require tests and has no coverage or performance requirements.

Linters and Static Analysis [4.v]

rmw uses and passes all the standard linters and static analysis tools for a CMake package as described in the ROS 2 Developer Guide.

Results of linter tests can be found here.

Dependencies [5]

Direct Runtime ROS Dependencies [5.i]/[5.ii]

rosidl_default_runtime has the following depedencies, all of which are at Quality Level 1 for Quality Level 1 middlewares:

Note that interface generation or interface typesupport dependencies used only by Python client libraries are not considered in this assessment.

Direct Runtime Non-ROS Dependencies [5.iii]

rosidl_default_runtime does not have any runtime non-ROS dependencies.

Platform Support [6]

rosidl_default_runtime supports all of the tier 1 platforms as described in REP-2000, and tests each change against all of them.

Currently nightly results can be seen here:

Security [7]

Vulnerability Disclosure Policy [7.i]

This package conforms to the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy in REP-2006.