A package containing messages used by the RMF traffic management system.
- Links
- Message Definitions
- BlockadeCancel
- BlockadeCheckpoint
- BlockadeHeartbeat
- BlockadeReached
- BlockadeReady
- BlockadeRelease
- BlockadeSet
- BlockadeStatus
- Circle
- ConvexShape
- ConvexShapeContext
- Heartbeat
- Itinerary
- ItineraryClear
- ItineraryDelay
- ItineraryErase
- ItineraryExtend
- ItineraryReached
- ItinerarySet
- MirrorUpdate
- NegotiationAck
- NegotiationConclusion
- NegotiationForfeit
- NegotiationKey
- NegotiationNotice
- NegotiationParticipantAck
- NegotiationProposal
- NegotiationRefusal
- NegotiationRejection
- NegotiationRepeat
- NegotiationState
- NegotiationStates
- NegotiationStatus
- NegotiationStatuses
- NegotiationTreeNode
- Participant
- ParticipantDescription
- Participants
- Polygon
- PolygonVertex
- Profile
- Region
- Route
- ScheduleChangeAdd
- ScheduleChangeAddItem
- ScheduleChangeCull
- ScheduleChangeDelay
- ScheduleChangeProgress
- ScheduleIdentity
- ScheduleInconsistency
- ScheduleInconsistencyRange
- ScheduleParticipantPatch
- SchedulePatch
- ScheduleQueries
- ScheduleQuery
- ScheduleQueryParticipants
- ScheduleQuerySpacetime
- Shape
- ShapeContext
- Space
- Timespan
- TrafficDependency
- Trajectory
- TrajectoryWaypoint
- Service Definitions
- Standard Documents
provides message types for managing and communicating traffic plans.
For more information about ROS 2 interfaces, see index.ros2.org
Quality Declaration
This package claims to be in the Quality Level 3 category. See the Quality Declaration for more details.