

class rclpy.client.Client(context: Context, client_impl: rpyutils.import_c_library.Client, srv_type: SrvType, srv_name: str, qos_profile: rclpy.qos.QoSProfile, callback_group: CallbackGroup)

Create a container for a ROS service client.


Users should not create a service client with this constructor, instead they should call Node.create_client().

  • context – The context associated with the service client.

  • client_impl_rclpy.Client wrapping the underlying rcl_client_t object.

  • srv_type – The service type.

  • srv_name – The name of the service.

  • qos_profile – The quality of service profile to apply the service client.

  • callback_group – The callback group for the service client. If None, then the nodes default callback group is used.

call(request: SrvTypeRequest, timeout_sec: float | None = None) SrvTypeResponse | None

Make a service request and wait for the result.


Do not call this method in a callback, or a deadlock or timeout may occur.

  • request – The service request.

  • timeout_sec – Seconds to wait. If None, then wait forever.


The service response, or None if timed out.


TypeError if the type of the passed request isn’t an instance of the Request type of the provided service when the client was constructed.

call_async(request: SrvTypeRequest) Future

Make a service request and asynchronously get the result.


request – The service request.


A future that completes when the request does.


TypeError if the type of the passed request isn’t an instance of the Request type of the provided service when the client was constructed.

configure_introspection(clock: rclpy.clock.Clock, service_event_qos_profile: rclpy.qos.QoSProfile, introspection_state: rpyutils.import_c_library.service_introspection.ServiceIntrospectionState) None

Configure client introspection.

  • clock – Clock to use for generating timestamps.

  • service_event_qos_profile – QoSProfile to use when creating service event publisher.

  • introspection_state – ServiceIntrospectionState to set introspection.


Destroy a container for a ROS service client.


Users should not destroy a service client with this destructor, instead they should call Node.destroy_client().

get_pending_request(sequence_number: int) Future

Get a future from the list of pending requests.


sequence_number – Number identifying the pending request.


The future corresponding to the sequence_number.


KeyError if the sequence_number is not in the pending requests.

property handle
remove_pending_request(future: Future) None

Remove a future from the list of pending requests.

This prevents a future from receiving a response and executing its done callbacks.


future – A future returned from call_async()

service_is_ready() bool

Check if there is a service server ready.


True if a server is ready, False otherwise.

property service_name: str
wait_for_service(timeout_sec: float | None = None) bool

Wait for a service server to become ready.

Returns as soon as a server becomes ready or if the timeout expires.


timeout_sec – Seconds to wait. If None, then wait forever.


True if server became ready while waiting or False on a timeout.


class rclpy.service.Service(service_impl: rpyutils.import_c_library.Service, srv_type: SrvType, srv_name: str, callback: Callable[[SrvTypeRequest, SrvTypeResponse], SrvTypeResponse], callback_group: CallbackGroup, qos_profile: rclpy.qos.QoSProfile)

Create a container for a ROS service server.


Users should not create a service server with this constructor, instead they should call Node.create_service().

  • service_impl_rclpy.Service wrapping the underlying rcl_service_t object.

  • srv_type – The service type.

  • srv_name – The name of the service.

  • callback – The callback that should be called to handle the request.

  • callback_group – The callback group for the service server. If None, then the nodes default callback group is used.

  • qos_profile – The quality of service profile to apply the service server.

configure_introspection(clock: rclpy.clock.Clock, service_event_qos_profile: rclpy.qos.QoSProfile, introspection_state: rpyutils.import_c_library.service_introspection.ServiceIntrospectionState) None

Configure service introspection.

  • clock – Clock to use for generating timestamps.

  • service_event_qos_profile – QoSProfile to use when creating service event publisher.

  • introspection_state – ServiceIntrospectionState to set introspection.


Destroy a container for a ROS service server.


Users should not destroy a service server with this destructor, instead they should call Node.destroy_service().

property handle
send_response(response: SrvTypeResponse, header) None

Send a service response.

  • response – The service response.

  • header – Service header from the original request.


TypeError if the type of the passed response isn’t an instance of the Response type of the provided service when the service was constructed.

property service_name: str