OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library.
The Open Motion Planning Library (OMPL)
Continuous Integration Status
Visit the OMPL installation page for detailed installation instructions.
OMPL has the following required dependencies:
The following dependencies are optional:
Py++ (needed to generate Python bindings)
Doxygen (needed to create a local copy of the documentation at
Flann (FLANN can be used for nearest neighbor queries by OMPL)
Spot (Used for constructing finite automata from LTL formulae.)
Once dependencies are installed, you can build OMPL on Linux, macOS, and MS Windows. Go to the top-level directory of OMPL and type the following commands:
mkdir -p build/Release
cd build/Release
cmake ../..
# next step is optional
make -j 4 update_bindings # if you want Python bindings
make -j 4 # replace "4" with the number of cores on your machine