Class SimpleSmoother
Defined in File simple_smoother.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public nav2_core::Smoother
Class Documentation
A path smoother implementation.
Public Functions
A constructor for nav2_smoother::SimpleSmoother.
A destructor for nav2_smoother::SimpleSmoother.
Method to cleanup resources.
Method to activate smoother and any threads involved in execution.
Method to deactivate smoother and any threads involved in execution.
Method to smooth given path.
- Parameters:
path – In-out path to be smoothed
max_time – Maximum duration smoothing should take
- Returns:
If smoothing was completed (true) or interrupted by time limit (false)
Protected Functions
Smoother method - does the smoothing on a segment.
- Parameters:
path – Reference to path
reversing_segment – Return if this is a reversing segment
costmap – Pointer to minimal costmap
max_time – Maximum time to compute, stop early if over limit
Get the field value for a given dimension.
- Parameters:
msg – Current pose to sample
dim – Dimension ID of interest
- Returns:
dim value
Set the field value for a given dimension.
- Parameters:
msg – Current pose to sample
dim – Dimension ID of interest
value – to set the dimention to for the pose
Protected Attributes