CI Linux Documentation Status


Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of “motion primitives” for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.

Status on ROS build farm


Build dev

Build releases

Stable version

ROS 1 Noetic (u20.04)

Build Status

Build Status


ROS 2 Humble (u22.04)

Build Status

Build Status


ROS 2 Jazzy @ u24.04

Build Status

Build Status


ROS 2 Rolling (u24.04)

Build Status

Build Status


EOL Distro

Last version

ROS 2 Iron (u22.04)


Build requisites

  • MRPT (>=2.12.0)

  • mvsim (optional to run the live control simulator).

In Ubuntu 22.04 or newer, installed it with:

sudo apt install libmrpt-dev

For older versions of Ubuntu:

# MRPT from this PPA (or build from sources if preferred, or from ROS package `mrpt2`):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:joseluisblancoc/mrpt
sudo apt update
sudo apt install libmrpt-dev

Use in your code

From your CMake script:

find_package(mrpt_path_planning REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(YOUR_TARGET mpp::mrpt_path_planning)

Demo runs

# bin/path-planner-cli --write-planner-parameters tps-rrtstar.yaml

Command-line app to test the A* planner:

build-Release/bin/path-planner-cli -g "[4 2.5 45]" -s "[0.5 0 0]" \
    --planner "mpp::TPS_Astar"  \
    -c share/ptgs_holonomic_robot.ini  \
    --obstacles share/obstacles_01.txt  \
    --planner-parameters share/mvsim-demo-astar-planner-params.yaml  \
    --costmap-obstacles share/costmap-obstacles.yaml
build-Release/bin/path-planner-cli --write-planner-parameters tps-rrtstar.yaml
# Edit tps-rrtstar.yaml as desired
build-Release/bin/path-planner-cli \
  -g "[4 2.5 45]" -s "[0.5 0 0]" \
  -p share/ptgs_holonomic_robot.ini \
  --obstacles share/obstacles_01.txt \
  --planner-parameters tps-rrtstar.yaml \
  --max-iterations 1000 \
  --costmap-obstacles share/costmap-obstacles.yaml \
  --random-seed 3

GUI with live navigation simulator:

# Holonomic robot:
build-Release/bin/selfdriving-simulator-gui \
  --waypoints share/mvsim-demo-waypoints01.yaml \
  -s share/mvsim-demo.xml \
  -p share/ptgs_holonomic_robot.ini \
  --nav-engine-parameters share/nav-engine-params.yaml \
  --planner-parameters share/mvsim-demo-astar-planner-params.yaml \
  --prefer-waypoints-parameters share/costmap-prefer-waypoints.yaml \
  --global-costmap-parameters share/costmap-obstacles.yaml \
  --local-costmap-parameters share/costmap-obstacles.yaml \
  -v DEBUG

# Ackermann vehicle:
build-Release/bin/selfdriving-simulator-gui \
  --waypoints share/mvsim-demo-waypoints01.yaml \
  -s share/mvsim-demo.xml \
  -p share/ptgs_ackermann_vehicle.ini \
  --nav-engine-parameters share/nav-engine-params.yaml \
  --planner-parameters share/mvsim-demo-astar-planner-params.yaml \
  --prefer-waypoints-parameters share/costmap-prefer-waypoints.yaml \
  --global-costmap-parameters share/costmap-obstacles.yaml \
  --local-costmap-parameters share/costmap-obstacles.yaml \
  -v DEBUG