<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<!-- This is a ROS package file, intended to allow SELFDRIVING library to be built
     side-by-side to real ROS packages in a catkin/ament environment.
<package format="3">
  <description>Path planning and navigation algorithms for robots/vehicles moving on planar environments. This library builds upon mrpt-nav and the theory behind PTGs to generate libraries of "motion primitives" for vehicles with arbitrary shape and realistic kinematics and dynamics.</description>

  <author     email="">Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco</author>
  <maintainer email="">Jose-Luis Blanco-Claraco</maintainer>

  <url type="website"></url>


  <!-- Deps required by user code (they are in public headers or built as ROS (vs system) packages -->



  <!-- Minimum entries to release non-catkin pkgs: -->
    <rosdoc config="doc/rosdoc.yaml" />
  <!-- End -->
