Package for sanitizing lanelet maps
Lanelet2 Validation
Validation package for lanelet2. Runs checks on common mapping errors and reports them.
Building this package will create the program lanelet2_validate
. To test a map, simply run lanelet2_validate <mymap>
, or better lanelet2_validate <mymap> --lat <lat> --lon <lon>
, where lat/lon is the origin of your map. The tool will output errors and warnings that were found in your map.
For advanced usage, try lanelet2_validate --help
Adding Your Own Validators
Before implementing your check, choose a suitable validator. There are three different types of validators:
Map validators validate the primitives in the map and search for obvious mapping issues (tags, positioning, etc.)
Traffic rule validators look for primitives that cannot be interpreted with the traffic rules chose by the user
Routing graph validators check for issues in the routing graph, such as isolated nodes.
Validators should check for one single thing only. Better implement too much validators than too few.
To implement a validator, inherit from one of the base classes BasicValidator.cpp,
and implement its operator() and the name()
function. The name should be in the format “<check_type>.<check_name>”.
Then in a *.cpp
file, register your validator with one of the registry functions like this:
namespace {
// or RegisterTrafficRuleValidator or RegisterRoutingGraphValidator...
validation::RegisterMapValidator<MyCheckClass> register;
} // namespace