Class UTMPose

Class Documentation

class UTMPose

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) pose

Public Functions

inline UTMPose()

Null constructor. Makes a 2D, invalid pose object.

inline UTMPose(const UTMPose &that)

Copy constructor.

inline UTMPose(const geographic_msgs::msg::GeoPose &pose)

Create from a WGS 84 geodetic pose.

inline UTMPose(UTMPoint pt, const geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion &q)

Create from a UTMPoint and a quaternion.

inline UTMPose(const geographic_msgs::msg::GeoPoint &pt, const geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion &q)

Create from a WGS 84 geodetic point and a quaternion.

Public Members

UTMPoint position
geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion orientation