Class UTMPoint

Class Documentation

class UTMPoint

Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) point.

The altitude may be specified (3D) or not (2D). The altitude of a 2D point is not a number (NaN).

Including the top-level grid zone designator (GZD) from the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) permits unambiguous use of Universal Polar Stereographic (UPS) coordinates for the polar regions not covered by UTM, making this representation more general than pure UTM.

Public Functions

inline UTMPoint()

Null constructor. Makes a 2D, invalid point object.

inline UTMPoint(const UTMPoint &that)

Copy constructor.

UTMPoint(const geographic_msgs::msg::GeoPoint &pt)
inline UTMPoint(double _easting, double _northing, uint8_t _zone, char _band)

Create a flattened 2-D grid point.

inline UTMPoint(double _easting, double _northing, double _altitude, uint8_t _zone, char _band)

Create a 3-D grid point.

Public Members

double easting

easting within grid zone [meters]

double northing

northing within grid zone [meters]

double altitude

altitude above ellipsoid [meters] or NaN

uint8_t zone

UTM longitude zone number.

char band

MGRS latitude band letter.