.. _variables: Variables ========= Build space ----------- .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX This is set to ``${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/devel`` by ``catkin/all.cmake`` and is the analogue to ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH``. Since the layout of the both folders ``CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX`` and ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`` is identical you can append any of the following install destinations to the build prefix. Install destinations -------------------- All destination variables are meant to be used with the CMake ``install()`` macro as an ``DESTINATION`` argument. They only contain relative paths and are supposed to be relative to the ``${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}`` (or ``${CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX}``). **Project specific** .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION This is set to ``${CATKIN_GLOBAL_LIBEXEC_DESTINATION}/${PROJECT_NAME}``. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_PACKAGE_ETC_DESTINATION This is set to ``${CATKIN_GLOBAL_ETC_DESTINATION}/${PROJECT_NAME}``. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DESTINATION This is set to ``${CATKIN_GLOBAL_INCLUDE_DESTINATION}/${PROJECT_NAME}``. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION This is set to ``${CATKIN_GLOBAL_LIB_DESTINATION}``. All libraries go into a global folder. Still use this variable instead of ``CATKIN_GLOBAL_LIB_DESTINATION`` for package libraries. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_PACKAGE_PYTHON_DESTINATION This is set to ``${CATKIN_GLOBAL_PYTHON_DESTINATION}/${PROJECT_NAME}``. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_PACKAGE_SHARE_DESTINATION This is set to ``${CATKIN_GLOBAL_SHARE_DESTINATION}/${PROJECT_NAME}``. **Global** .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_GLOBAL_BIN_DESTINATION This is set to ``bin``. This destination should only be used for the core ROS binaries. If you are unsure if you should use this destination use ``CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIBEXEC_DESTINATION`` instead. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_GLOBAL_ETC_DESTINATION This is set to ``etc``. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_GLOBAL_INCLUDE_DESTINATION This is set to ``include``. This destination should only be used when installing headers which are not in a subfolder which matches the project name. Else you should use the destination ``CATKIN_PACKAGE_INCLUDE_DESTINATION`` instead. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_GLOBAL_LIB_DESTINATION This is set to ``lib``. This variable should not be used directly, use ``CATKIN_PACKAGE_LIB_DESTINATION`` instead. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_GLOBAL_LIBEXEC_DESTINATION This is set to ``lib``. On non-Debian distributions it could be set to ``libexec``. Note that setting this variable to anything but ``lib`` or ``libexec`` will not work as expected since tools like ``catkin_find`` will only consider these two locations. This variable should not be used directly, use ``CATKIN_PACKAGE_BIN_DESTINATION`` instead. .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_GLOBAL_PYTHON_DESTINATION This is set to ``lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages`` (Debian), ``lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages`` (non-Debian) or ``lib/site-packages`` (Windows). .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_GLOBAL_SHARE_DESTINATION This is set to ``share``. Environment ----------- .. cmake:data:: CATKIN_ENV The path to the shell script ``env.sh`` that will execute its arguments inside the catkin environment. CMake that executes shell commands (e.g. as part of ``add_custom_command``) should use this rather than wrangling environment explicitly.