tracetools_analysis.processor.memory_usage module

Module for memory usage events processing.

class tracetools_analysis.processor.memory_usage.KernelMemoryUsageHandler(**kwargs)

Bases: MemoryUsageHandler

Handler that extracts userspace memory usage data.

It uses the following events:
  • kmem_mm_page_alloc

  • kmem_mm_page_free

Implementation inspired by Trace Compass’ implementation:

PAGE_SIZE = 4096
static required_events() Set[str]

Get the set of events required by this EventHandler.

Without these events, the EventHandler would be invalid/useless. Inheriting classes can decide not to declare that they require specific events.

class tracetools_analysis.processor.memory_usage.MemoryUsageHandler(**kwargs)

Bases: EventHandler

Generic handler for memory usage.

property data: MemoryUsageDataModel

Get the data model.

class tracetools_analysis.processor.memory_usage.UserspaceMemoryUsageHandler(**kwargs)

Bases: MemoryUsageHandler

Handler that extracts userspace memory usage data.

It uses the following events:
  • lttng_ust_libc:malloc

  • lttng_ust_libc:calloc

  • lttng_ust_libc:realloc

  • lttng_ust_libc:free

  • lttng_ust_libc:memalign

  • lttng_ust_libc:posix_memalign

The above events are generated when LD_PRELOAD-ing, see:

Implementation inspired by Trace Compass’ implementation:

static required_events() Set[str]

Get the set of events required by this EventHandler.

Without these events, the EventHandler would be invalid/useless. Inheriting classes can decide not to declare that they require specific events.