ros2launch.option package

Module contents

class ros2launch.option.OptionExtension

Bases: object

The extension point for ros2 launch ‘option’ extensions.

The following properties must be defined: * NAME (will be set to the entry point name)

The following methods are optional: * add_arguments * prestart * prelaunch * postlaunch

NAME = None
add_arguments(parser, cli_name, *, argv=None)

Add arguments to the argparse parser.

postlaunch(launch_return_code, args)

Perform cleanup actions after the launch process finishes.

This method does not need to return anything.

prelaunch(launch_description, args)

Perform actions prior to the launch process running.

This executes after creation and setup of the launch process, but before it is executed.

This method must return a tuple where the first element is a LaunchDescription, which will replace the LaunchDescription that was passed in and will be launched by the launch service.


Perform actions the prior to the LaunchService being started.

This method does not need to return anything.
