.. _program_listing_file__tmp_ws_src_nao_lola_nao_lola_client_include_nao_lola_client_lola_enums.hpp: Program Listing for File lola_enums.hpp ======================================= |exhale_lsh| :ref:`Return to documentation for file ` (``/tmp/ws/src/nao_lola/nao_lola_client/include/nao_lola_client/lola_enums.hpp``) .. |exhale_lsh| unicode:: U+021B0 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS .. code-block:: cpp // Copyright 2021 Kenji Brameld // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #ifndef NAO_LOLA_CLIENT__LOLA_ENUMS_HPP_ #define NAO_LOLA_CLIENT__LOLA_ENUMS_HPP_ // The enums are exactly as defined (and in the same order) as what's provided // in "Lola RoboCupper Official Documentation.pdf" sent to all Standard Platform League // teams in RoboCup. namespace LolaEnums { enum class Joint { HeadYaw, HeadPitch, LShoulderPitch, LShoulderRoll, LElbowYaw, LElbowRoll, LWristYaw, LHipYawPitch, LHipRoll, LHipPitch, LKneePitch, LAnklePitch, LAnkleRoll, RHipRoll, RHipPitch, RKneePitch, RAnklePitch, RAnkleRoll, RShoulderPitch, RShoulderRoll, RElbowYaw, RElbowRoll, RWristYaw, LHand, RHand, NUM_JOINTS }; enum class Battery {Charge, Current, Status, Temperature}; enum class Accelerometer {X, Y, Z}; enum class Gyroscope {X, Y, Z}; enum class Angles {X, Y}; enum class Sonar {Left, Right}; enum class FSR { LFoot_FrontLeft, LFoot_FrontRight, LFoot_RearLeft, LFoot_RearRight, RFoot_FrontLeft, RFoot_FrontRight, RFoot_RearLeft, RFoot_RearRight }; enum class Touch { ChestBoard_Button, Head_Touch_Front, Head_Touch_Middle, Head_Touch_Rear, LFoot_Bumper_Left, LFoot_Bumper_Right, LHand_Touch_Back, LHand_Touch_Left, LHand_Touch_Right, RFoot_Bumper_Left, RFoot_Bumper_Right, RHand_Touch_Back, RHand_Touch_Left, RHand_Touch_Right }; enum class RobotConfig { Body_BodyId, Body_Version, Head_FullHeadId, Head_Version }; enum class LeftEarLeds { Deg_0, Deg_36, Deg_72, Deg_108, Deg_144, Deg_180, Deg_216, Deg_252, Deg_288, Deg_324 }; enum class RightEarLeds { Deg_324, Deg_288, Deg_252, Deg_216, Deg_180, Deg_144, Deg_108, Deg_72, Deg_36, Deg_0 }; enum class LeftEyeLeds { Deg_45, Deg_0, Deg_315, Deg_270, Deg_225, Deg_180, Deg_135, Deg_90 }; enum class RightEyeLeds { Deg_0, Deg_45, Deg_90, Deg_135, Deg_180, Deg_225, Deg_270, Deg_315 }; enum class SkullLeds { Front_Left_1, Front_Left_0, Middle_Left_0, Rear_Left_0, Rear_Left_1, Rear_Left_2, Rear_Right_2, Rear_Right_1, Rear_Right_0, Middle_Right_0, Front_Right_0, Front_Right_1 }; } // namespace LolaEnums #endif // NAO_LOLA_CLIENT__LOLA_ENUMS_HPP_